Monday, October 30, 2017

In the field

It is always a happy day when you receive random text messages from strangers with pictures of your daughter.  Thank you kind people of Missouri

Hello Family and Friends! 

    I'm officially in the field! I didn't get a chance to write last week but I've been here almost two weeks. I am in the Maryville area and I couldn't be more blessed. It is about two hours from Independence and I am loving the people more everyday. 

    Backtracking a little bit, the first day here I had a few really neat experiences. We first got to go to the temple and eat lunch. There was so a nice spirit there and it was great to start of the mission in that way. We then got to go to Liberty Jail! This was so cool. We had a Sister Missionary take us on a tour and I learned so much from her. Then we went into the room and it was so spiritual. As we listened to some accounts written by Joseph Smith, I couldn't help but feel so much gratitude for the early Saints and all sacrifices they made so I could have the Gospel in my life. 

    We then went to the mission home and I got to get to know President and Sister Love a little bit better. They are SO cute. They are so happy and always ready and willing to help us with whatever we need. After my interview with President Love, he looked me straight in the eye and said, "You've got some spunk Sister Meeks. I like that about you!" So funny and I am so thankful for both of them! 

     Then I went off to the area! I am in a trio again and my companions are great. I got to teach a lesson about an hour after I got there and invited her to be baptized! It was such a spiritual experience and I know Heavenly Father helps me when I am ready to teach. Another unique thing about this area is we get to do a lot of work with less active members. Our ward boundaries are huge so some people have to drive over and hour to get to church. Because of this, a lot of people don't come. One lady we are working with is named Joanne. She is so sweet. She is obsessed with Beauty and the Beast and loves to talk about it. As we were about to leave, I felt like I should invite her to the ward party (which was happening in like two hours) but I just took a shot and asked. She very surprisingly said yes! We found a ride for her and she had such a good time. She then came to church on Sunday! It's amazing what can happen when you listen to the Spirit :) 

      Another cool experience! We tracked into a guy who accepted a Book of Mormon and seemed really interested. But my companions didn't really want to go back and see him for some reason...dumb! But I pressed it and we went back and had a lesson right then! (Which never happens) and he committed to read the Book of Mormon, pray about it, AND come to church! SO cool. I see good things for him! 

       But I really am loving the mission life. I know this is where I am supposed to be and I couldn't be more happy to be serving the Lord. Thank you for all of your support and love. I couldn't serve without it. 

      Love you all and have a great weeks!
Sister Meeks
New Address: 

Sister Jessica Meeks
1222 S Laura Cir
Maryville, MO 64468

First Vision in Chinese

I'm Here

Monday, October 16, 2017

MTC Week 9 - Only thing constant is change

Hi Everyone!
  I'm finally leaving the MTC! Yay! But not in the way I expected. Because of visa complications, I will be serving in the Missouri Independence Mission for (hopefully) just six weeks! While it is disapointing to not be leaving with the other 14 Taiwan missionaries, I am excited to serve the Lord wherever he needs me! I am excited to learn more about church history and help the people of Independence.

  Other than that, this week has kind of been a blur! A lot happens while preparing to leave and everyone is on a spiritual high the entire week. We have been studying SO much Chinese and putting the final touches on our study plans. It is amazing how much the MTC has helped me learn and grow. 

   The new MTC buildings were dedicated this week and it was such a neat experience. Dallin H. Oaks and Henry B. Eyering came to speak to us. They talked about how everything about the MTC is inspired and how we neat to remember that during our time here. The missionary effort in the church has grown a lot over the past 100 years. We are so fortunate to have all of the resources and materials we have today. President Henry B. Eyering offered the dedicatory prayer and in it he blesses us, our teachers and our families, all in a specific way. It was neat to be only 5 rows away from an Apostle of the Lord and have him ask God to bless you. WOW! Such a neat experience. 

    Other than that, we have had Bonnie L. Oscarson, D. Todd Christofferson, and Elane S. Dalton come to speak to us this week. While nine weeks is a long time, it gives us a chance to hear from so many leaders in the church. While their messages were all very different, the theme throughout all of them was the importance of the Book of Mormon. There is a reason it is called the "Keystone of our Religion." If we gain a testimony of the truth in the Book of Mormon, everything in our church has to be true. It is so important and I have come to love the Book of Mormon with all my heart here. It's amazing and I wouldn't give it up for anything. 

    Thank you for all your prayers and love! Can't wait to share my experiences from Independence.

Friday, October 13, 2017

Official Reassignment

Hi Fam! 
   So officially found out today that I am going to be reassigned the Independence Missouri mission...BUT they said just most likely for one transfer. I'm the only one of the 15 Taipei missionaries that is reassigned so I'm pretty bummed about it. Lots of tears shed but the Elders are being super super nice to me! But I know it's the right thing and I will just be that much more excited to leave after :) 
    I depart on Wednesday and my flight leaves around 9:45. So I'll probablly be calling around 8 or 9! 

Love you all! Send all the prayers and thoughts this way! I'll need them!


Monday, October 9, 2017

MTC Week 8 - Count Down

Hello Everyone! 

   Only 8 more days until I'm headed out to Taiwan! CRAZY! In our zone, getting flight plans is similar to Christmas because we have to wait for so long. Our whole zone celebrates and it's a big deal. I have 15 people on the flight with me so basically everyone will hear the gospel on that plane! I am so excited to help the people of Taiwan come unto Christ. It is such a huge blessing to be able to have this opportunity and I wouldn't give it up for anything. 

   A highlight this week was volleyball with my district. We aren't very good but it is so fun to get outside and just play for a little while. It's been a way to help each other learn and grow together as a district. While some Elders get a little crazy sometimes, we still love them. :) I guess having brothers helped me be patient with all the Elders around us everyday! (Love you Andrew, Daniel and Jacob!) 

   Another thing that happened this week was a new nickname from my zone. Everyone now calls me "Mama Mao." (Mao is my last name in Chinese) I kinda just remind people to "put on a coat" or "remember we have dinner early today." So glad I could have the example of my mom to help me be known in the MTC. Even my Mission President has called me it a couple times. Even though it's fun, it reminds me that every act of service you do has an impact on someone else. No service, no matter how small, is wasted! 

   Lastly, every week in the MTC we have a topic that we specifically focus on throughout the zone. This week it was the Book of Mormon. My testimony of the Book of Mormon has been so strengthened throughout this week. One thing that was said during Sacrament Meeting was that, "If any part of the Book of Mormon is true, the whole thing has to be. And if the Book of Mormon is true, there is no doubt that our entire church is true." I know this without a doubt. I know Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon. I know that the entire book is true. We can answer any question we might have and feel of God's love through the Book of Mormon. God loves us so much and he wants us to understand his gospel and the Atonement of Christ. With the help of the Book of Mormon we can do that. 
   Love you all and thanks so much for your support! 

Sister Meeks

-Some of these pictures are our Elders "trying" to be cool and us celebrating Christmas with our flight plans/countdown chain-

Monday, October 2, 2017

MTC Week 7 - Two Weeks Left

Hello Everyone! 

   TWO WEEKS LEFT! I am so close to going to Taiwan and I couldn't be more excited. I have been so spiritually lifted here and I am happy that I can share that spirit with the people of Taiwan. 

   General Conference here at the MTC was an amazing experience. Not only did we have the opportunity to hear from so many of the Lord's Representatives, but I was also build up by the thousands of testimonies that surrounded me throughout. There is nothing quite like the spirit of thousands of missionaries who are all joined in one purpose; To Invite Others to Come Unto Christ. I am so grateful and humbled that I am able to serve the Lord. 

    If I had to pick a favorite talk, it would be Elder Uchtdorf's from the morning session on Saturday. (Link at the bottom) He spoke very simple truths throughout and those simple messages touched me. I felt it was exactly what my investigators needed to hear and something that can be applied to every single person living on this earth. I loved how he said, "Deep within us, we all have a longing to return to Heavenly Father." I know this is true, we all have the Light of Christ this can be our inner guidance system. He also said that "God is generous and kind. If we are willing, he will use us for his work." I know this is true and I know God loves each of us individually. As we come to know God, we can accept his gospel and be blessed more then we can even imagine. 

    Thank you so much for all of your support and love. I couldn't serve the Lord without the countless prayers coming my way. Thank you so much and love you all. 

    Yours truly,
       Sister Jessica Meeks

The Last Email ~ I'm Coming Home

Sister Meeks, Ericka Elliott, Lin Yu Jie Lin Yu Jie's card to Sister Meeks Sister Meeks, Jasmine Player (Compan...