Sunday, March 25, 2018

The Truth is "March"ing on !!


This week has been amazing! Full of miracles and lots of smiles. 

It all started off last Pday when we went to an amusement park! It was so fun and it was fun to spend time with a couple different missionaries. I got to see my favorite person in the world: Sister Elliot from the MTC! Love her so much and missed her so much. It was the funnest Pday I've had here so far! We rode lots of rides, saw lots of cool animals, and laughed a lot! 

Then on Wednesday we had interviews with President Jergensen. He is amazing and always inspires me to become a better missionary. We brainstormed ways to accomplish my goals and we laughed a lot! He is amazing and helps us all so much. 

The biggest thing that happened this week was that Peng Jiemei got baptized! Yay! It was one of the happiest days of my life. We saw here the night before and she was so nervous, but so happy! She said, "it feels like I'm getting married tomorrow!" But regardless of being super nervous, she got to the baptismal service almost an hour early and was 100% prepared. This baptismal service was especially unique becuase we had it on the beach! It was the coolest thing ever! We had a few short little talks in the bottom of a lighthouse and then walked down to the ocean. She was so excited and ran right in. Everyone was afraid she was going to get sick because the water was very cold, but she came out with a huge smile on her face and just kept telling everyone she didn't even feel cold! She is perfect and I couldn't be more happy to be a part of her conversion process. She is going to help so many people and continuing to develop her own personal testimony. Love her!! 

Then, Saturday was BUSY! Starting in the morning, we went to help a bunch of ward members do service. We got to the spot (in the middle of nowhere) and then we were told we needed to move this GIANT pile of rocks from one spot to another! There were so many rocks! But it was really fun and the members were really fun. I got to meet lots of new people and also got very very dirty! (My companion was joking that I was tanning...But in reality I was just covered with dust...Haha) After that, we went to another activity. (in a different ward...Us Sisters help members in three different wards!) We talked, ate, then we did karaoke! I don't know how to say karaoke in Chinese so I had no idea what was going on...But I finally figured out what was happening and it was awesome! There were so many people with amazing voices! It was overall a fun activity and we got to know the members even better ! :) 

Then (this is still Saturday) we went English finding as a district and had lots of success! Everyone found lots of people to come to class and lots of people interested in the Gospel. We then met with our investigator Chen Jiemei. She is amazing and is so smart! She is reading the Book of Mormon and the Bible! She has lots of questions so I've been studying the Bible like crazy! We love her and can't wait to keep helping her progress.

Lastly, I want to share my testimony about Jesus Christ. I know he is our Savoir and Redeemer. I know that through him, we can have eternal happiness and joy. I love Jesus Christ and I don't know where I would be without him. 

Friends and family, love you all so much!!! Miss you all! Don't forget to send me pictures and letters! I love hearing about your lives! 

Have a great week!! 
-Sister Meeks

Pday at the amusement park! 

Our cute doorman gives us SO many bananas every week! We love him

The doorman himself! 

My awesome mom sent me a package! We had to be creative getting it home! 

Peng Jieme's baptism!

 Doing service! Carrying rocks! 

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