Monday, October 16, 2017

MTC Week 9 - Only thing constant is change

Hi Everyone!
  I'm finally leaving the MTC! Yay! But not in the way I expected. Because of visa complications, I will be serving in the Missouri Independence Mission for (hopefully) just six weeks! While it is disapointing to not be leaving with the other 14 Taiwan missionaries, I am excited to serve the Lord wherever he needs me! I am excited to learn more about church history and help the people of Independence.

  Other than that, this week has kind of been a blur! A lot happens while preparing to leave and everyone is on a spiritual high the entire week. We have been studying SO much Chinese and putting the final touches on our study plans. It is amazing how much the MTC has helped me learn and grow. 

   The new MTC buildings were dedicated this week and it was such a neat experience. Dallin H. Oaks and Henry B. Eyering came to speak to us. They talked about how everything about the MTC is inspired and how we neat to remember that during our time here. The missionary effort in the church has grown a lot over the past 100 years. We are so fortunate to have all of the resources and materials we have today. President Henry B. Eyering offered the dedicatory prayer and in it he blesses us, our teachers and our families, all in a specific way. It was neat to be only 5 rows away from an Apostle of the Lord and have him ask God to bless you. WOW! Such a neat experience. 

    Other than that, we have had Bonnie L. Oscarson, D. Todd Christofferson, and Elane S. Dalton come to speak to us this week. While nine weeks is a long time, it gives us a chance to hear from so many leaders in the church. While their messages were all very different, the theme throughout all of them was the importance of the Book of Mormon. There is a reason it is called the "Keystone of our Religion." If we gain a testimony of the truth in the Book of Mormon, everything in our church has to be true. It is so important and I have come to love the Book of Mormon with all my heart here. It's amazing and I wouldn't give it up for anything. 

    Thank you for all your prayers and love! Can't wait to share my experiences from Independence.

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