Sunday, February 10, 2019

Chinese New Year

Dinner with the Chen Family. 

Starbucks run with Jasmine Player

Really nice dinner for Chinese New Year

BBQ with Sister Dong for Chinese New Year

Jasmine Player asleep while I do MyPlan

Our favorite dog on the way to district meeting

Dinner during Chinese New Year with the Chen Family

Dinner with some members! 

Jessica Meeks photo bombed by Jacob Henderson

Chinese New Year picture! 

Hot Pot with the Wu Family! 

District Dinner (Jasmine Player, Jessica Meeks, Alan Settles, Jacob Henderson and random member from another ward! 

Lights at the night market with Jasmine Player and Jessica Meeks

Night Market Fun! 

Night Market kabobs with Jasmine Player and Jessica Meeks

Jessica Meeks, Shelly, and Jasmine Player

Hey Everyone! 

This week was Chinese New Year!!! So so so fun! The members were so kind this week and we had a lunch AND dinner appointment everyday. Such a blessing! We had so much good food and have never been more full in our lives! But it was SO worth it! I love the culture here and I learn new things everyday. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE ! 

A cool experience I had this week started with us talking about how to have Christ centered lessons during district meeting. We talked about how sometimes we got caught up in little things and forget that the most important thing to focus on is Jesus Christ. We went through all the points in the lessons we taught and connected them to Jesus Christ. Literally every aspect of our lives is tied to him and it was amazing! 

THEN that night we went to teach our friend Eva. She has been having a hard time keeping commitments and we weren't sure if we wanted to keep teaching her. So we decided to do what we talked about and connect everything we were teaching her to the gospel! It worked!! The lesson was filled with the Spirit and she commited to come to church with us this week! Such a huge miracle. We shared Mosiah 2:22 which says...

~And behold, all that he requires of you is to keep his commandments; and he has promised you that if ye would keep his commandments ye should prosper in the land; and he never doth vary from that which he hath said; therefore, if ye do keep his commandments he doth bless you and prosper you~

She loved this scripture and we talked about why God commands us to do the little things. We talked about how it is because he wants us to become closer with him and become more like Jesus Christ. She loved it and felt the Spirit very strongly. 

I know when we put Jesus Christ as the center of our lives we will see more MIRACLES than we can ever imagine. He loves us so much. He wants what's best for us and we can have all the blessings in the world if we keep is commandments ❤️ 

Hope you all have an awesome week! 
Sister Meeks 

No time to explain the pictures because we are going to the temple today!!! Yay!!! Also, if I didn't respond to you today I will on Monday! I don't have much time! LOVE you all! 

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