Monday, October 2, 2017

MTC Week 7 - Two Weeks Left

Hello Everyone! 

   TWO WEEKS LEFT! I am so close to going to Taiwan and I couldn't be more excited. I have been so spiritually lifted here and I am happy that I can share that spirit with the people of Taiwan. 

   General Conference here at the MTC was an amazing experience. Not only did we have the opportunity to hear from so many of the Lord's Representatives, but I was also build up by the thousands of testimonies that surrounded me throughout. There is nothing quite like the spirit of thousands of missionaries who are all joined in one purpose; To Invite Others to Come Unto Christ. I am so grateful and humbled that I am able to serve the Lord. 

    If I had to pick a favorite talk, it would be Elder Uchtdorf's from the morning session on Saturday. (Link at the bottom) He spoke very simple truths throughout and those simple messages touched me. I felt it was exactly what my investigators needed to hear and something that can be applied to every single person living on this earth. I loved how he said, "Deep within us, we all have a longing to return to Heavenly Father." I know this is true, we all have the Light of Christ this can be our inner guidance system. He also said that "God is generous and kind. If we are willing, he will use us for his work." I know this is true and I know God loves each of us individually. As we come to know God, we can accept his gospel and be blessed more then we can even imagine. 

    Thank you so much for all of your support and love. I couldn't serve the Lord without the countless prayers coming my way. Thank you so much and love you all. 

    Yours truly,
       Sister Jessica Meeks

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