Monday, October 9, 2017

MTC Week 8 - Count Down

Hello Everyone! 

   Only 8 more days until I'm headed out to Taiwan! CRAZY! In our zone, getting flight plans is similar to Christmas because we have to wait for so long. Our whole zone celebrates and it's a big deal. I have 15 people on the flight with me so basically everyone will hear the gospel on that plane! I am so excited to help the people of Taiwan come unto Christ. It is such a huge blessing to be able to have this opportunity and I wouldn't give it up for anything. 

   A highlight this week was volleyball with my district. We aren't very good but it is so fun to get outside and just play for a little while. It's been a way to help each other learn and grow together as a district. While some Elders get a little crazy sometimes, we still love them. :) I guess having brothers helped me be patient with all the Elders around us everyday! (Love you Andrew, Daniel and Jacob!) 

   Another thing that happened this week was a new nickname from my zone. Everyone now calls me "Mama Mao." (Mao is my last name in Chinese) I kinda just remind people to "put on a coat" or "remember we have dinner early today." So glad I could have the example of my mom to help me be known in the MTC. Even my Mission President has called me it a couple times. Even though it's fun, it reminds me that every act of service you do has an impact on someone else. No service, no matter how small, is wasted! 

   Lastly, every week in the MTC we have a topic that we specifically focus on throughout the zone. This week it was the Book of Mormon. My testimony of the Book of Mormon has been so strengthened throughout this week. One thing that was said during Sacrament Meeting was that, "If any part of the Book of Mormon is true, the whole thing has to be. And if the Book of Mormon is true, there is no doubt that our entire church is true." I know this without a doubt. I know Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon. I know that the entire book is true. We can answer any question we might have and feel of God's love through the Book of Mormon. God loves us so much and he wants us to understand his gospel and the Atonement of Christ. With the help of the Book of Mormon we can do that. 
   Love you all and thanks so much for your support! 

Sister Meeks

-Some of these pictures are our Elders "trying" to be cool and us celebrating Christmas with our flight plans/countdown chain-

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