Sunday, January 13, 2019

We're officially old missionaries

Pday, South and Easy Zone Conference, exchanges, dinner as a district, English class students, Bitan Sisters!!

Hello friends and family!! 

This week was AWESOME and everyday had something exciting and fun!! Something crazy I realized this week is we are the oldest sisters in Taiwan right now! (Meaning we have been here the longest! Crazy!)

Monday: Went to the Chang Kai Shek Memorial and it was really cool! Lots of cool history and cool buildings! We went with a fun group and ended our Pday with a fun game of Coup which is a very complicated game that gets competitive when you play with Elders! One of my favorite games now! 

Tuesday: Zone Council with South Zone! We talked a lot about the power of the Book of Mormon and member work! Our mission is focusing a lot of working with members and we discussed and found effective ways to help them start their own missionary efforts! 

Wednesday: We were on exchanges with the lovely Songshan sisters! I had the chance to go with Sister Hayden! She is so positive and so happy all the time! 😊 I had so much fun with her and learned a lot from her! 

Thursday: Zone Council with East Zone! We talked about focus and how work with members! We used the optical illusions to teach about focus and they are is frustrating!! Haha I can never see them no matter how hard a try but it was a fun activity to try! 

Friday: Interviews with President! So great. I always love talking to him. He always resolves all of my concerns and gives me lots of wisdom! 

Saturday: We had a ward potluck! Got to eat some yummy Taiwanese food and talk to the members ! 

Sunday: Second session of two hour church! Can honestly say I'm loving it and so are the members 😊 

That's about it for this week!! Loving my time here in Taiwan! Loving the Book of Mormon and continuing to develop my testimony of it! 

Have an amazing week! 
Sister Meeks 

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