Sunday, January 20, 2019

Last Transfer

My favorite Taiwanese breakfast! 

The rare Krispy Kreme donuts

Yonghe District! Elders Parker Morgan, Grant Church, Tustin Neilson, Johnathen Merrill, Ericka Elliott, Jessica Meeks and Stanly (member) We helped paint his house. !

Ericka Elliott and Jessica Meeks (Pizza Place) 

Jessica Meeks and Ericka Elliott (SHOPPING) 

Painting for Pday! 

Dinner with these random members from the United States that we met on the street. (Ericka Elliott and Jessica Meeks) 

Ericka Elliott and Jessica Meeks (matching Jedi shirts!)

Hello Everyone!! 

Transfer calls came yesterday! Sadly, I'm leaving my favorite person Sister Elliott for another area but I'm excited for the next new adventure!! 😁 It's actually kind of an old adventure because I'm going back to my old area in Banqiao!! I already spent three transfers there and I get to go back and spend my last transfer there 😊 I already love the members there so I'm very excited for this exciting way to end the mission!! 

But, this last week started off with a very chill Pday and a trip to Kristy Kreme! There aren't very many in Taiwan (and normal Taiwanese donuts are not even close to the same) so we made a special donut trip! Totally worth it!! 

Something super fun this week was painting a house for our member! We did it as a district and it was super super fun 😊😊 I got paint all over myself but we played 20 questions with our District to make the time go by fast! It was an awesome service opportunity! 

A cool story from this week was we were at the night market and we ran into some members who lived in Utah! They came up to us and were super excited to talk! After talking for a little while, we said goodbye and went on our way! Then about a minute later, they came running back and asked if they could take us to eat hot pot with them! We were so surprised and it was so nice of them! They took us to an all-you-can- eat hot pot and it was AMAZING ! So kind and so fun!
The scripture I liked this week was in Alma 26: 37 
Now my brethren, we see that God is mindful of every people, whatsoever land they may be in; yea, he numbereth his people, and his bowels of mercy are over all the earth. Now this is my joy, and my great thanksgiving; yea, and I will give thanks unto my God forever. Amen.

This scriptures gives me so much comfort because it reminds me that God loves us and is mindful of everything we do!  No matter what struggles we are going through, he understands and will help us! He loves us and this really is my joy and what brings me happiness 😁 I love my Heavenly Father!! 

Love you all!! Hope you have an amazing week 😁😁 

Sister Meeks 

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