Sunday, January 27, 2019

The one where I went back to Banqiao!!

Ericka Elliott and Elder Tustin Neilson playing games on Pday! 

Ericka Elliott doing Jessica Meeks' makeup late one night.

Jessica Meeks and Ericka Elliott glasses shopping

Jasmine Player and Jessica Meeks meeting with this crazy lady who was just full of conspiracy theories.

Jasmine Player, Jessica Meeks and Sister Wang (Recent convert)

Jasmine Player and Jessica Meeks

Ericka Elliott, Jessica Meeks, and the Chen family in Yonghe

Jessica Meeks , Sister Lin (and Husband) and Sister Ericka Elliott

Jasmine Player, Ericka Elliott, Jessica Meeks, and Lauren Zaitz

Jessica Meeks and Jasmine Player

Jasmine Player, Jessica Meeks, and our grandpa friends! 

Hello Everyone! 

This week brought a lot of change! I was transferred out of Yonghe and had to leave Sister Elliott ! There were a lot of mixed emotions the last few days we were together but I'm grateful for all the time we had 😊 So fun! But now I'm back in Banqiao!! I served here a little over 6 months ago and I am loving it so much. I was surprised when a member picked us up and drove us straight to our house! They have three daughters and it was so fun to see them all again! 

My new companion is Sister Player and she is great! She is from California and is on her third transfer in the mission! We have very very similar personalities and do everything the same! We have so much in common and talk all the time! I have already learned so much from her and I'm excited to see miracles here! 

It has been so amazing coming back to this area! Such a throwback. As I am biking around, I am reminded of so many good times and crazy miracles that happened! I feel like it is a huge blessing to be able to serve here again! I am here to focus on my recent converts and to help build and strengthen the ward. Sunday was one of the happiness days of my mission! I had so many people welcome me back and so many hugs were given. It reminds me how much I love the Taiwanese people and how blessed I am to serve in this beautiful country!

Lastly, I wanted to share my favorite scripture!! It is in 2nd Nephi 22:2! (Very easy to remember because it has a lot of 2's in it! Haha)

Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid; for the Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song; he also has become my salvation.
I love this scripture and I share it all the time. It provides me with so much comfort. I know that God loves us and we can always trust in him. No matter what challenges we go through, our Heavenly Father and his son Jesus Christ will always be by our side to protect and watch over us. Isn't that beautiful? ❤️ There really is no greater love! 

Hope you all have an amazing week! 
Sister Meeks

-Playing card games on Pday (thanks for the game mom!)
-Eating dinner with a family from the ward! They are still celebrating Christmas! Haha 
-Eating with Sister Elliott's trainer æž—ć§ćŠč! She got married recently and we got to get to know the husband a little better! 
-Sister Elliott did my hair and makeup ❤️ 
-My new companion Sister Player!!! With the temple in the background! 
-We are dinner with some of our friends for Sister Player's birthday! 
-Us freezing on the coldest day of winter so far! 
-Meeting with my recent convert 王槐ćŠč again!! 
-Eating lunch with the æ°žć’Œ sisters when I picked up my bike! 
-Meeting with a cute lady I met in èŠ±è“ź! 

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Last Transfer

My favorite Taiwanese breakfast! 

The rare Krispy Kreme donuts

Yonghe District! Elders Parker Morgan, Grant Church, Tustin Neilson, Johnathen Merrill, Ericka Elliott, Jessica Meeks and Stanly (member) We helped paint his house. !

Ericka Elliott and Jessica Meeks (Pizza Place) 

Jessica Meeks and Ericka Elliott (SHOPPING) 

Painting for Pday! 

Dinner with these random members from the United States that we met on the street. (Ericka Elliott and Jessica Meeks) 

Ericka Elliott and Jessica Meeks (matching Jedi shirts!)

Hello Everyone!! 

Transfer calls came yesterday! Sadly, I'm leaving my favorite person Sister Elliott for another area but I'm excited for the next new adventure!! 😁 It's actually kind of an old adventure because I'm going back to my old area in Banqiao!! I already spent three transfers there and I get to go back and spend my last transfer there 😊 I already love the members there so I'm very excited for this exciting way to end the mission!! 

But, this last week started off with a very chill Pday and a trip to Kristy Kreme! There aren't very many in Taiwan (and normal Taiwanese donuts are not even close to the same) so we made a special donut trip! Totally worth it!! 

Something super fun this week was painting a house for our member! We did it as a district and it was super super fun 😊😊 I got paint all over myself but we played 20 questions with our District to make the time go by fast! It was an awesome service opportunity! 

A cool story from this week was we were at the night market and we ran into some members who lived in Utah! They came up to us and were super excited to talk! After talking for a little while, we said goodbye and went on our way! Then about a minute later, they came running back and asked if they could take us to eat hot pot with them! We were so surprised and it was so nice of them! They took us to an all-you-can- eat hot pot and it was AMAZING ! So kind and so fun!
The scripture I liked this week was in Alma 26: 37 
Now my brethren, we see that God is mindful of every people, whatsoever land they may be in; yea, he numbereth his people, and his bowels of mercy are over all the earth. Now this is my joy, and my great thanksgiving; yea, and I will give thanks unto my God forever. Amen.

This scriptures gives me so much comfort because it reminds me that God loves us and is mindful of everything we do!  No matter what struggles we are going through, he understands and will help us! He loves us and this really is my joy and what brings me happiness 😁 I love my Heavenly Father!! 

Love you all!! Hope you have an amazing week 😁😁 

Sister Meeks 

Sunday, January 13, 2019

We're officially old missionaries

Pday, South and Easy Zone Conference, exchanges, dinner as a district, English class students, Bitan Sisters!!

Hello friends and family!! 

This week was AWESOME and everyday had something exciting and fun!! Something crazy I realized this week is we are the oldest sisters in Taiwan right now! (Meaning we have been here the longest! Crazy!)

Monday: Went to the Chang Kai Shek Memorial and it was really cool! Lots of cool history and cool buildings! We went with a fun group and ended our Pday with a fun game of Coup which is a very complicated game that gets competitive when you play with Elders! One of my favorite games now! 

Tuesday: Zone Council with South Zone! We talked a lot about the power of the Book of Mormon and member work! Our mission is focusing a lot of working with members and we discussed and found effective ways to help them start their own missionary efforts! 

Wednesday: We were on exchanges with the lovely Songshan sisters! I had the chance to go with Sister Hayden! She is so positive and so happy all the time! 😊 I had so much fun with her and learned a lot from her! 

Thursday: Zone Council with East Zone! We talked about focus and how work with members! We used the optical illusions to teach about focus and they are is frustrating!! Haha I can never see them no matter how hard a try but it was a fun activity to try! 

Friday: Interviews with President! So great. I always love talking to him. He always resolves all of my concerns and gives me lots of wisdom! 

Saturday: We had a ward potluck! Got to eat some yummy Taiwanese food and talk to the members ! 

Sunday: Second session of two hour church! Can honestly say I'm loving it and so are the members 😊 

That's about it for this week!! Loving my time here in Taiwan! Loving the Book of Mormon and continuing to develop my testimony of it! 

Have an amazing week! 
Sister Meeks 

Monday, January 7, 2019

A Year in Review 2018

1. Recent convert fireside with some of our missionary friends! 
2. Wedding of Sister Lin!! So crazy! 
3. Exchanges with Sister Porter! 
4. Saying goodbye to the coolest sister in this mission!! 😭😭
5. Our New Years Feast! 
6. Love my mission! 
7. Found a cute little spot to take pictures! 
8. Three generation picture! My trainee, with her trainee! 
9. My cute companion ❤️❤️ 
10. Xie Jiemei after her speaking at the RC fireside! 
11. Eating Tepenyaki! 
12. Cute New Year card a friend made for me! Haha so Extra! 

Hey Everyone!! 

Hope you all had an amazing week! Mine started with my companion and I going to Taibei 101 (the tallest building in Taiwan) on New Year's Eve and looking around there! It was super festive and super fun! We had some American food to celebrate the new year! Very exciting! 

This week we had the chance to go on exchanges with the amazing Bitan Sisters! They are so so so cute and I seriously love them a lot. I went with Sister Porter and we had a super fun time. We are very similar and we had lots to talk about. She is a good example of being positive in hard situations and accomplishing her goals! She has just barely started her mission and is already incredible. Love her! 

We also got to go to the Sealing of Sister Elliott's trainer! She is from Taiwan and was an amazing misisonary here! Her wedding was beautiful and it was fun to be a part of the fun! She was beautiful and we loved it! 

On Sunday night, we went to the Recent Convert Fireside we have every month! It was super super awesome! My Recent Convert Xie Jiemei spoke at this one! It made me so emotional to hear the story from her perspective and hear her powerful testimony. Such an amazing example of faith and strength. She is super funny and was super excited to get it over with so she could eat Costco cookies at the end! So Sweet! 

I was thinking a lot this week about how much God loves us. I have been reading the Book of Mormon with a goal to finish it by the end of my mission and it has been amazing! All I keep reading is that if we keep the commandments, God will bless us. It says this so so so many times! God is so willing to give us blessings. It's really is unimaginable how much he has to give us 😊 God loves us and that's the reason I'm here on a mission. I am here to help more people understand the love God and Christ have for us. Amazing, isn't it? 

Love you all and hope you have an awesome week! 
Sister Meeks 

The Last Email ~ I'm Coming Home

Sister Meeks, Ericka Elliott, Lin Yu Jie Lin Yu Jie's card to Sister Meeks Sister Meeks, Jasmine Player (Compan...