Sunday, February 24, 2019

Everything Comes Full Circle

Zone Conference in Taoyuan! Elder Ransbottom with all of the Sisters. 

English Class in Banqiao

Jasmine Player, Elder Dallin Gorgonio, Jacob Henderson, Jessica Meeks (Pday on the train to the waterfall!)

Pday with us in the Elders in Wulai!

Jessica Meeks saying goodbye to Sister Natalie Lyman (her trainee)

Jessica Meeks and Lin Yu Jie

Jasmine Player, Regan Austad (MTC companion) Ashlee Johnson, and Jessica Meeks on exchanges. 

Jessica Meeks and Jasmine Player after exchanges. 

Jessica Meeks and Jasmine Player on a snack run.

Lights at the mall

Cinderella Carriage: Jasmine Player and Jessica Meeks

Shaved ice and bean pudding late night snack! 

Hey everyone! 

The highlight of this week was going on exchanges with my MTC companion Sister Austad. It was such a good time. It was both our last exchange on the mission and it made everything feel so complete. She is such an amazing example to me and I am grateful we got to be companions again for one day! 

A cool miracle this week happened when my companion and I decided we wanted to go get shaved ice before we went home! We had been craving it for a few days and finally decided to go do it! We got into the store and there were no other customers. We started talking to the store worker there and he was super cool! He laughed at us because we wanted a weird combination for our dessert and then he started asking us all kinds of questions. He was just amazed by the missionary life and it was an awesome chance for us to share our testimonies. He was very interested and wants us to teach his whole family! So cool! 

Other fun things of this week included...
1. Going to Wulai for Pday! It is a cool place in the mountains with lots of Taiwanese Aborigine stuff to look at. We convinced everyone who went with us to buy these cool elephant pants and it was awesome! 
2. We went to zone conference in Taoyuan! Good to see lots of good friends and say lots of goodbyes. So sad but I'm grateful for the chance to see them all again! 

I also wanted to share this scripture from 1 Nephi 1:20! 

And when the Jews heard these things they were angry with him; yea, even as with the prophets of old, whom they had cast out, and stoned, and slain; and they also sought his life, that they might take it away. But behold, I, Nephi, will show unto you that the tender mercies of the Lord are over all those whom he hath chosen, because of their faith, to make them mighty even unto the power of deliverance. 

I love this scripture so much! Nephi and his family had so many trials.. but instead of him complaining, he had trust that the Lord would make him mighty because of his faith! I know this is true!! When we put our faith in the Lord, he will give us the power to overcome our trials. He loves us so much and just wants to help us be happy and full of joy! 

Love you all so much! Enjoy the pictures!! 

~Sister Meeks 

-Pday in the Mountains
-Zone Conference with a selfie with all the Sisters!(And Elder Ransbottom haha)
-Saying goodbye to really good friends 
-Exchanges in Danshui
-English class! 
-We got to be Cinderella for a minute! 
-My cute companion and I! 
-My favorite Taiwanese desert! 

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