Monday, December 17, 2018

You said goodbye, I said hello

1. Running into a friend from my last area!! LOVE her! 
2. My new companion and I! SISTER ELLIOTT
3. Getting caught in the rain! Woooo
4. Saying goodbye to Sister Hurst at the train station! 
6. Saying goodbye to an old companion, Xie JM 
7. Best beef noodles I've had in Taiwan 


This week started with an amazing member taking us to a all-you-can-eat hot pot! It was so good. Members here are so generous and are always taking such good care of us. 

We also had an awesome Christmas Zone Council to end off the transfer! Our zone has been incredible and I've learned so much from everyone! We reviewed how great the transfer was and then ate some amazing pancakes (made by the Zone Leaders) ! LETS GO SOUTH ZONE 🤘🤘

Then transfers call came!! Literally a dream come true! I'M WITH SISTER ELLIOTT !  I AM SO SO SO HAPPY! She is incredible and we have been talking about being companions ever since we were roommates in the MTC! We are the exact same person and I am pumped to see what this transfer has in store for us 😁 

Transfers always are so bitter sweet. I just ended my third transfer with Sister Hurst and it was hard! It's interesting how much you grow on the mission and Sister Hurst and I have been hit lots of monumental landmarks together! We have grown together and become better together! I'll miss being her companion a lot! ❤️

I'm been reflecting these past this week on my time in Taiwan as I'm going into my last twelve weeks of the mission! (Crazy right?) Something that I always come back to is how grateful I am for all the people I have met on my mission. From my companions, people I've taught, people who have been baptized, members, random grandma's on the street and everyone else! So many people have influenced my life and I am forever grateful for their love and support! 

Have an amazing Christmas! 

Sister Meeks ❤️❤️

I would love to see your Christmas cards or cute family pictures 😊

4/F, #24, Lane 183
Jin Hua Street
Da-an, Taipei 106

1. Running into a friend from my last area!! LOVE her! 
2. My new companion and I! SISTER ELLIOTT
3. Getting caught in the rain! Woooo
4. Saying goodbye to Sister Hurst at the train station! 
6. Saying goodbye to an old companion, Xie JM 
7. Best beef noodles I've had in Taiwan 

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