Monday, December 31, 2018

And a Happy New Year...

Hello Everyone! 

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!! Send me all your cute pictures 😊 I have loved being in Taiwan and still being able to feel of the Christmas Spirit! It really is the best time of the year! On Christmas Eve, we bought some pizza on our way home, listened to Christmas music, and opened all of our gifts from our families! So fun! 

The highlight of my week was for sure being able to Skype with my family!! It was amazing! I loved being able to see them all and talk like nothing has changed. It was also amazing to be able to see my little brother Jacob as a full-time missionary! He is such a 帥哥! 👍 I feel blessed to be supported so much by my family and be able to serve alongside as my best friend! Keep going strong Jacob! 

Other than that, we met with this cute lady named Uu. (At least that is what she wants us to call her haha) But she walked in to English class last week and said she wants to learn English and more about the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Very straight forward and shocked me a little bit! We have met with her twice since then and she is doing great! She came to church with us and loved it 😁 We are super super excited to help her continue to progress! 

I also went on exchanges this week with the one and only Sister Griffen! She is so so so cute and I loved exchanges with her. We are very similiar people and I learned a lot from her. She is just beginning her mission and it threw me back to when I was in training. I have learned so many incredible things on my mission and I wouldn't give up this experience for the world. I know this church is true and it has brought so much happiness into my life. I'm grateful for the opportunity to spread this same happiness with the people of Taiwan! 

Love you all and have a Happy New Year! 
Sis. Meeks 

Make sure you check out the blog my awesome mom keeps up for me!

1. Our cute Yonghe Ward! 
2. Exchanges with the Yilan Sisters! 
3. My very handsome missionary brother ! 
4. Reunited with the fam! 
5. Christmas dinner at Chille's! 
6. Ping Pong Tournament with the Zone on Christmas day! 
7. I wasn't able to make it to this picture with my RC so she photoshopped me in 😭😭🤣🤣

Monday, December 24, 2018

Merry Christmas

Hello Everyone!!! 

MERRY CHRISTMAS! I hope you all have an incredible day ! My biggest Christmas present for sure will be talking to my family tomorrow! I'm very excited to talk to them and excited to talk to my little bro Jacob who is serving in Korea right now! Christmas really is the best time of the year 😄😊😁

That being said we had a lot of Christmas cheer this week! We sang A LOT ! We had Christmas Caroling at the Marriott and our huge Christmas Performance! It was so fun to sing so many Christmas songs and see so many people I loved! At the Christmas performance, I got to see so many friends I have met throughout the mission. A Recent Convert from my first area came all the way up and gave this very thoughtful card signed by all the ward members there. It brought back so many memories of Christmas last year when I was still in training! Crazy! 

This Christmas, I really have felt the love of Christ in so many ways ! Since Taiwan doesn't have a lot of commercial Christmas stuff all around, it has really helped me focus on the Savior and what Christmas is really about. 

In Zone Conference, we were asked to study/think about the many names of Christ and how they have impacted us. During the meeting, people got up to share their favorite name and why. It was such a cool experience to see people choosing all these different names, but all bearing testimony of the same person; Our Savior Jesus Christ. 

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder; and his name shall be called, Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace

2 Nephi 19:6

I invite you to all do the same! Study the names of Christ and pick one that has special meaning to you. Share you thoughts with a family member! I know as we focus on him, we will feel his love and remember his sacrifice. 

❤️ Love you all! ❤️


Sister Meeks

I would love to see your Christmas cards or cute family pictures 😊

Monday, December 17, 2018

You said goodbye, I said hello

1. Running into a friend from my last area!! LOVE her! 
2. My new companion and I! SISTER ELLIOTT
3. Getting caught in the rain! Woooo
4. Saying goodbye to Sister Hurst at the train station! 
6. Saying goodbye to an old companion, Xie JM 
7. Best beef noodles I've had in Taiwan 


This week started with an amazing member taking us to a all-you-can-eat hot pot! It was so good. Members here are so generous and are always taking such good care of us. 

We also had an awesome Christmas Zone Council to end off the transfer! Our zone has been incredible and I've learned so much from everyone! We reviewed how great the transfer was and then ate some amazing pancakes (made by the Zone Leaders) ! LETS GO SOUTH ZONE 🤘🤘

Then transfers call came!! Literally a dream come true! I'M WITH SISTER ELLIOTT !  I AM SO SO SO HAPPY! She is incredible and we have been talking about being companions ever since we were roommates in the MTC! We are the exact same person and I am pumped to see what this transfer has in store for us 😁 

Transfers always are so bitter sweet. I just ended my third transfer with Sister Hurst and it was hard! It's interesting how much you grow on the mission and Sister Hurst and I have been hit lots of monumental landmarks together! We have grown together and become better together! I'll miss being her companion a lot! ❤️

I'm been reflecting these past this week on my time in Taiwan as I'm going into my last twelve weeks of the mission! (Crazy right?) Something that I always come back to is how grateful I am for all the people I have met on my mission. From my companions, people I've taught, people who have been baptized, members, random grandma's on the street and everyone else! So many people have influenced my life and I am forever grateful for their love and support! 

Have an amazing Christmas! 

Sister Meeks ❤️❤️

I would love to see your Christmas cards or cute family pictures 😊

4/F, #24, Lane 183
Jin Hua Street
Da-an, Taipei 106

1. Running into a friend from my last area!! LOVE her! 
2. My new companion and I! SISTER ELLIOTT
3. Getting caught in the rain! Woooo
4. Saying goodbye to Sister Hurst at the train station! 
6. Saying goodbye to an old companion, Xie JM 
7. Best beef noodles I've had in Taiwan 

Monday, December 3, 2018

All I want for Christmas

Hello Everyone!! 

Hope you all had an amazing week! Mine started with some good old 烤肉 (where you go and grill your own meat for two hours) after our Christmas Choir practice! Super fun and got to see lots of good mission friends! 

CHRISTMAS IS COMING SO SOON!! We had lots of Christmas singing this week! We want at a Carefour (kinda like the Taiwan version of Walmart) as a district and invited tons of people to our Christmas performance at the end of the month! It was very fun to share "Light the World" with so many people and talk to them about Christmas. It's so easy to talk about Jesus Christ during Christmas time.

This is my second Christmas in Taiwan and it's crazy to see how much I've changed. I had been in Taiwan for just a few short weeks last Christmas and here I am getting close to the end. It's been an awesome time to reflect on all the miracles I've seen in the last year.  It seems like sometimes went really slow and other times went really fast! I've loved talking to members about Christmas and teaching them some of our fun family Christmas traditions! My companion and I have been listening to Christmas music none stop and totally decked out our apartment in Christmas decorations. Everything around me reminds me of Christmas and even though most Taiwanese people don't know very much about Christmas, I still can feel the Christmas spirit every day in the small things 🎄🎄

On Saturday we had our first official Christmas Performance! We were in an outside theater at a school. It was SUPER cold but also really fun. It was awesome to look into the audience and see how excited they were to hear us sing and play! I had the awesome chance to play a piano/cello duet of "The Holiest Night." Super pretty and it was fun to play with another instrument! I'm excited that we get to perform again in a few weeks 👍👍

I would like to invite you all to check out LIGHT THE WORLD and see what you can do this week! The videos are adorable so that's a bonus! Let me know what you find out 😁😁

Have an amazing week! 
Sister Meeks 
I would love to see your Christmas cards or cute family pictures 😊

The Last Email ~ I'm Coming Home

Sister Meeks, Ericka Elliott, Lin Yu Jie Lin Yu Jie's card to Sister Meeks Sister Meeks, Jasmine Player (Compan...