Monday, December 31, 2018

And a Happy New Year...

Hello Everyone! 

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!! Send me all your cute pictures 😊 I have loved being in Taiwan and still being able to feel of the Christmas Spirit! It really is the best time of the year! On Christmas Eve, we bought some pizza on our way home, listened to Christmas music, and opened all of our gifts from our families! So fun! 

The highlight of my week was for sure being able to Skype with my family!! It was amazing! I loved being able to see them all and talk like nothing has changed. It was also amazing to be able to see my little brother Jacob as a full-time missionary! He is such a 帥哥! 👍 I feel blessed to be supported so much by my family and be able to serve alongside as my best friend! Keep going strong Jacob! 

Other than that, we met with this cute lady named Uu. (At least that is what she wants us to call her haha) But she walked in to English class last week and said she wants to learn English and more about the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Very straight forward and shocked me a little bit! We have met with her twice since then and she is doing great! She came to church with us and loved it 😁 We are super super excited to help her continue to progress! 

I also went on exchanges this week with the one and only Sister Griffen! She is so so so cute and I loved exchanges with her. We are very similiar people and I learned a lot from her. She is just beginning her mission and it threw me back to when I was in training. I have learned so many incredible things on my mission and I wouldn't give up this experience for the world. I know this church is true and it has brought so much happiness into my life. I'm grateful for the opportunity to spread this same happiness with the people of Taiwan! 

Love you all and have a Happy New Year! 
Sis. Meeks 

Make sure you check out the blog my awesome mom keeps up for me!

1. Our cute Yonghe Ward! 
2. Exchanges with the Yilan Sisters! 
3. My very handsome missionary brother ! 
4. Reunited with the fam! 
5. Christmas dinner at Chille's! 
6. Ping Pong Tournament with the Zone on Christmas day! 
7. I wasn't able to make it to this picture with my RC so she photoshopped me in 😭😭🤣🤣

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