Sunday, August 26, 2018

Love you all.

This week was really good! We had a lot of rain so we got very very wet but it was also really really fun! It started out with a Pday where we went to the gym! Remember really wanted to take us to the gym so she got us all free passes and we went to this huge gym with all the other missionaries in this area. It is for sure wasn't very relaxing but it was very very fun and we worked out a lot. We all joked that we needed another Pday afterwards because we were so tired! This week we for sure are resting a little bit more haha

I had the chance to go on my first exchange this week! It was so so fun. We have two other sisters living our apartment with us so we know them really really well but we got to go exchanges within this week. I went with sisterly and we had a party. We worked really hard and talked a lot and it was very fun. She is in training right now and I learned a lot about missionary work from her. I think sometimes we get a little farther along our mission and we forget about the simple things that make missionary work important. She reminded me of that that the simple things are the most important and we shouldn't focus on the more complicated things. I am excited to continue working with her in this area!

That night we had English class and it was a little bit chaotic! We teach the children's class and sometimes we have a hard time keeping it under control! But it is still a good experience. We met this awesome Mom who has a baby about 1 year old but she still wants her baby to print English so she brought her to class! She really wants to have a happy family and so we told her that we think families are very important and she wanted to learn more. We are excited too continue to meet with her.

Then the next morning we had our second Exchange! I got to go with sister Bennett and we had a lot of fun. We always have wanted to be companion so it was fun to have that wish come true for just one day. She goes home in a few transfers and has a lot of experience. She helped me a lot and we had a good time. Her companion had never gone to something called "kaorou." This is basically where there is a griddle in the middle of the table and you fry your own meat and other things. It is so good so we decided to take them there. It was fun to get the to know them a lot better and just to have a chill time or we could talk about a lot of stuff and how we can improve as missionaries. SO FUN!

That's about it for this week! Enjoy some pictures! 

Sis. Meeks

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