Sunday, September 9, 2018

One Man's Trash is Another Man's Treasure

Zone Conference! We had at an amazing hamburger place for lunch in Taidong! 

Exchanges in Taidong! First time I have been outnumbered by Taiwanese missionaries on my mission haha

Trying to get my package and other stuff home! #bikinglife

Cute young women we are helping to learn English as she prepares for a mission! 

Chen JM set a baptismal date! Yaaayyyyyy! Sadly she doesn't live in our area but we are excited for the Elders to keep teaching her.  

Hey Everyone! 

This week started out with Zone Conference in Taidong! Ever since being companions with Sister Hurst and hearing so much about how Taidong is amazing, I've always wanted to go there! It for sure didn't disappoint! It is beautiful and incredible. It's the most south part of our mission and it's completely different from the city! I feel so lucky that I have been able to see so many different places on this beautiful island!

But Zone Conference was incredible! President Peterson talked a lot about the Gathering of Isreal and we all felt the Spirit very strong. I feel so blessed to have a role in this great gathering. We also talked a lot about Family History and how we can use it more in our misisonary work. Long story short, we all felt very inspired and ready to use the new tools we have been given to help more people come unto Christ!

After Zone Conference, we stayed in Taidong and I was able to go on exchanges with Chen JM! SHE IS AN INCREDIBLE MISSIONARY. I learned so much from her. She has such a strong desire to do the work and share the Gospel with everyone she sees. She always has a smile on her face and people are drawn to her because she is always so happy. Such an awesome exchange.

This week we set a goal as a Zone for each companionship to get at least one Set Up a day. (Meaning you meet someone, talk to them about the Gospel, and set a return appointment) We have already seen so many miracles. Our biggest one this week was finding Zheng JM! We were biking to do language study and we see a lady on the side of the road walking and she looked super super sad. So I decide to turn my bike around and talk to her. At first she flat out said "buyong" which basically means she has no interest. This is usually our que to leave but for some reason we had the feeling to not give up and keep talking with her.

We found out that reason about two minutes later when we started asking more questions about her life and found out she has been having a lot of challenges this past little bit. She got so emotional and we ended up comforting her a lot. We shared a scripture with her and long story short, became good friends and she is really interested in learning more! Such a miracle!

We have had so many small miracles like this and it really helps me see God's hand in my missionary work. I really know that God leads us to exactly where we need to be. But this doesn't just apply to missionary work! This applies to everyone! I've been reflecting on a lot of things that happened pre-mission and I'm realizing there were even more miracles than I thought! God loves us SO MUCH! His greatest joy is seeing us happy, so of course he is going to bless us, we just need to do our own part as well 😊😊

I love being a missionary! I know this church is true! No matter what doubts or challenges we have, we can always go back to the basics of this Gospel to obtain comfort and strength. God is our loving Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ is our Savior. Through Christ's Atonement, we can have happiness and eternal joy.

Love you all and have an incredible week!
Sister Meeks 

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