Sunday, June 24, 2018


Making cookies for our members

Sister Hurst and I! 

At the temple with Zhan Dixiong

Pday with the Jergensen's! 

Korean food with the district 

大家早安! Good morning everyone!

This kweek started out great with an awesome Pday at the Jergensen's! Sister Jergensen offered to teach us how to make cinnamon roles so we could take them to our members, so we went and learned how to do it! It was so fun! President and Sister Jergensen are leaving for home this week so it was nice to spend a few hours with them before we have to say goodbye. They are both incredible people and we will miss them so much!

We also went to the temple with Zhan Dixiong this week ! It was so incredible. It was his first time and he loved it! It is always a special experience to see an investigator progress, get baptized, and then go to the temple. He has progressed so fast! His calling is to greet people at church and he's so cute when he does it! He's doing to do some great things in the church!

This morning, we got transfer calls!! So so so so crazy! I am staying in Xinpu and I have the awesome chance to train a new sister! AND! My awesome companion Sister Hurst is going to be STL with my trainer Sister Nielsen!!! So so so crazy! Basically both of us are shocked but really really excited at the same time 😄😄😄

I don't have tons of time today but love you all lots and hope to hear from you soon!

Sister Meeks


4/F, #24, Lane 183
Jin Hua Street
Da-an, Taipei 106

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