Sunday, June 17, 2018

Singin' in the Rain

English Class! 

Sister Hurst unplugging the fan so she can plug in her phone!

I love the food here...So much !

Pday last week in the rain!  

Our investigator Remus!! His English is perfect and always has awesome questions 

Hello Everyone!

This week started off with a super fun Pday! (Despite the rain...And the rest of the week!) We went laser tagging with a few other companionships and it was awesome!! We got to play a bunch of different games and it was fun to get to know some other people better! Solid 10/10!

On Tuesday, we had an amazing district meeting where we talked about ways we can receive revelation for ourselves. As missionaries, we are always relying on God's guidance through the Holy Ghost so it was cool to discuss ways we can more fully trust in the Lord. A little later that night, we had a lesson with Jerry and he decides to treat us to a really nice dinner!! He is always so good to us. He has grown so much in the 10 weeks I've known him and I can't wait for him to progress even more!! We love Jerry! 

On Wednesday, we met with Guo Dixiong! He is so cool! We met him outside of a drink shop right before we were going home for the night. We were kinda being a little silly and we could see him low-key laughing at us so we decided to talk to him! Now, a few weeks later, he is doing great and set a baptismal goal!! He is already Christian and already has a strong faith in Christ. He's awesome! :) 

That night we had English class which is always such an adventure! I was teaching about memory and we played a few games to help them remember a few things! They got so competitive! After that, we spent 20 minutes talking about why a spatula was called a spatula...They didn't believe me that it was a real thing!! (Even though it was right in front of them!) After that, I look over and my companion Sister Hurst is drawing a Jack-O-Lantern on the board...Sometimes we aren't entirely sure how we get on certain subjects but it always seems to work out! :) :) 

On Thursday, we met this awesome guy named Arthur!! He met some Elders in Central Taibei but they they found out he lived in our area. He plays basketball and is well over 6 feet tall! He has perfect English and is very very sassy! (We don't see sassy people very often here so that was very unexpected!) He was born Catholic so he had a lot of questions about how our church as different. He is great and we are excited to keep working with him! 

Saturday was FULL of miracles! The first happened when Sister Hurst and I were doing our language study. This lady sat down next to us with her friend, and immediately asked if we were Christian! We were so surprised and excited! We started talking to her and her friend and we find our they are also Christian. They were super nice (gave us fruit after knowing them for 5 minutes) and we also found out that one of their daughters has been to Utah! So many cool connections :) We asked if we could say a prayer with them and they very willingly said yes! THEN! Right after the prayer ended, another lady came up to us and said she was Christian! Long story short, we are meeting with her and her two kids as well! So many miracles in a short 20 minutes. 

After that, we left to go meet with our recent convert Zhan Dixiong. We sat down and noticed that the two people next to us were doing some find of fortune telling. The one whose fortune was being told was very very distressed and we felt so bad for her. So we stayed close, hoping for a chance to talk to her. Eventually she got up and started to walk away...We didn't know if we should follow. But Sister Hurst, following the Spirit, gets up fast and we run after her down the stairs. We end up finding her, talking to her about God's plan for her, and giving her a big hug. She is so sweet and just needed some comfort. Even though we were hesitant to go after her, it shows the everything will work out if we follow the Spirit. We actually didn't end up meeting with Zhan Dixiong there because there weren't enough seats we knew we were led there just to meet her! 

Church was great this week! We met this really cute girl at the MRT Station a little while ago and she came to church with us! Yay! She got to meet some other Young Women and it was so cool. We also got to see Zhan Dixiong pass the Sacrament for the first time :) He has progressed so much and I'm excited to see what he will do as a member of the church. We are going to the temple with him next week so we are really excited!! 

Other fun things this week! 
1. We got to eat Mac and Cheese this week for the first time in a long time!! (Shout out to Grandma Bunnell for sending it to us) 
2. We got offered a position as a English Tutor from a mom with two kids! 
3. When Sister Hurst's phone was about to die, we had to be creative about a way to charge it. Long story short, the people in the shop we were in were laughing at us...A lot! #struggle (see a picture below!)
4. I have been keeping a count of how many dumplings I have eaten since I got to Taiwan in December...Let's just say it's getting pretty high! Whenever I tell members, they think it's hilarious!! See if you can guess how many ;)

Love you all! Hope you have an awesome week!!
Sister Meeks 

Check out my awesome blog my mom keeps up for me!!


4/F, #24, Lane 183
Jin Hua Street
Da-an, Taipei 106


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