Sunday, July 1, 2018

One Week... Four Companions


3. First lesson with me and my new companion! 

Visiting this cute Sister in the ward! 

Have I ever said that I love Sister Hurst?? ❤️❤️

2. Sister Zaitz and Keeney! Had such a fun time with them! 

Laser tag for Pday a few weeks ago! 

New comp Sister Lyman

Hello Friends and Family !! 

This week to was a crazy one! It started off with us getting our transfer calls ! We found out that Sister Hurst was leaving, and I was staying in Xinpu with a new sister. It was incredibly sad to see Sister Hurst leave. We had a really fun time together and saw lots of success!! She is the best! She is now companions with my trainer and they are already having an amazing time. So happy for them 😄😄

Then! My companion hadn't gotten to Taiwan (she is new to the island!) by the time Sister Hurst had to leave so I got to spend two days with the sisters in Tucheng, Sister Zaitz and Sister Keeney! It was such a party ! I got to teach English class with the adorable Sister Zaitz and learned a lot from Sister Keeney. I was also sad to leave them as well but even more excited to meet my new companion! 

On Thursday morning I traveled to the mission office and got to eat an awesome breakfast with all the trainers and trainees. We got to eat some amazing Cinnamon rolls and meet lots of new people. We had some trainings and then we got assigned to a companion! My companions name is Sister Lyman! She is from Lehi so we are basically neighbors back home! She is majoring in Fine Arts so she likes to sing and dance! She has studied Chinese for a long time so her Chinese is great! We are excited to work hard in this area 😄😄

But Sunday was great!! I was sitting in Sunday school with the biggest smile on my face becuase on my right was our investigator Jerry and my RC Zhan Dixiong, then on my left was my RC Wang Jiemei. It was such an awesome feeling to be surrounded so many people I love! 

On Sunday night, we went to the monthly RC fireside! There were some beautiful musical numbers and awesome testimonies. It was so fun to see a lot of my missionary friends and also eat some Costco cookies! 

Well, I love being a missionary and I'm so grateful to be here in Taiwan!! I'm so blessed that I have the chance to serve in this amazing country and learn so many amazing things! It's a good time to be a missionary!

Anyway, love you all! Have an amazing week!
Sister Meeks 

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