Sunday, June 10, 2018

Pray. Go to church. Read the Book!!

Exchanges with Sister Hanna

Amazing noodles we ate this week :) 

Amazing curry we ate this week :) 

Amazing dumplings we ate this week :) 

Pday Squad 

Pday Squad 

Pday Squad 

Sister Hurst and I #powercompanionship 

Friends and Family! 大家早安! 

This week stared off with an awesome Pday with our favorites Sister Elliott (MTC Roommate) and Sister Warren! (Former companion) We went to Taibei and looked at some stores for a little bit before going to Chile's!! Yes, I said Chile's! It was amazing and I got real Mexican food for the first time since coming to Taiwan. So amazing. I also got to know Sister Elliott's recent convert Sherry! She is adorable and I loved hearing about her story of meeting the missionaries. I really feel so blessed to have the chance to meet so many cool people on a daily basis! 

Then on Tuesday we had Zone Conference! So so so amazing! It was our last one with President and Sister Jergensen and it was so sad! I have come to love them so much and learned some amazing things from them. I'm so happy I got to have them guide me the first half of my mission! But something that Sister Jergensen talked about really touched me. She talked about how when hard things happen to us, we should NOT ask ourselves "why is this happening?" "Why do hard things always happen to me?" "Why is ------- so hard?" Instead, we should ask ourselves 

"What am I to do?"
"What am I to learn?"
"What am I to change?"
"Who am I to help?" 
"How to remember blessings during time of trial?" 

When we change our mindset to fit these questions, we can better learn from our trials...Instead of being miserable and just simply enduring them! So interesting and caused me to think a lot! 

Then on Wednesday we had English class! Sister Hurst and I decided to combine classes so it was a big class! Our investigator, Jerry, sells hair products for his job so he asked us the week before if we could teach more about that. He walked in this week and was shocked and totally excited that we actually were going to talk about it! Our class was really fun and we got to see a funny side of some of our students that we hadn't seen before! 

Side note before the next part of the story. Everyday as missionaries we want to help our investigators improve and develop their own testimony. One way we do that is helping them do C.P.R. Church. Pray. Read. By coming to church, praying, and reading the Book of Mormon everyday, those we teach can develop their own personal tesimony. We follow up on these things in every lesson so our investigators know them well!

Now back to the story! As we were transitioning into the spiritual part of English class, we asked the question, "what can you do to develop more faith?" Our investigator Jerry smiles at us and says, "Pray!" Sister Hurst and I both smiled and nodded for him to continue! Then he says, "go to church!" (He's grinning and kind of laughing at this point) and finally he says, "and read the book!" (Meaning the Book of Mormon!) Sister Hurst and I are so happy and Jerry is so proud of himself. :) :) He leans forward and high fives our recent convert Zhan Dixiong (who got baptized about three weeks ago), leaving everyone else in the room a little confused about why they were so excited. I love them both so much and it's cool to see them progress together! 

Then we had a slow few days because for about a week, I had a pretty high fever but we kinda kept going regardless. It didn't go away so our Mission Presidents Wife told us we needed to take it easy for two days, and see what happened after that! Long story short, I feel tons better and we got back to work! Despite taking it a little bit slower, we saw some cool miracles and found even more people to teach! It really does show that God will direct our work, no matter what our circumstances are. 

Sunday came around and it was great! We had to give short talks in church and despite being very nervous to give a whole talk in Chinese, it went pretty well! My companion KILLED it (she's so 厲害)and the rest of the day was full of compliments from the wards members. In Sunday School, we talked about the Holy Ghost and how we can feel the Spirit in every aspect of our lives. Hearing other people's experiences was a great way for me to remember all of the spiritual experiences I have had on the past. The Gift of the Holy Ghost is a huge blessing in my life and I've resolved to recognize that more and show more gratitude for all the guidance it has given me! 

Last thing I wanted to talk was World Wide Youth Fireside given last week. Talk about INCREDIBLE!! Whether or not you are a youth, please go listen to, watch, or read what was said at this historic event. It was amazing and 100% inspired by God. In his address, he gives 5 very specific invites. 

1. Hold a seven-day fast from social media.

2. Make a weekly sacrifice of time to the Lord for three weeks.

3. Keep on the covenant path. If you are off, repent and get back on the path.

4. Pray daily that all of God’s children might receive the blessings of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

5. Stand out. Be different. Be a light. Give to a friend one copy of the booklet For the Strength of Youth

So powerful. As I was listening to this conference, I was overwhelmed by the Spirit. These invites were given by a prophet of God and because of that, should be taken seriously! I invite all of you (not just the youth) to watch this broadcast and think of what you need to do in order to accept these invites! Please let me know if any of you have, or already have had, cool experiences with this! I'm excited to see this work progress! 

You can watch/read the broadcast here!

Love you all and hope you have an incredible week! 

Sister Meeks

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