Sunday, June 3, 2018

Miracles in the good old Banqiao

I love Sister Hurst! 

My cute English class students ! 

One of my favorite meals in Taiwan! It costs less than two dollars so that makes it even better! 

Wendy!! (I talked about her in my email) 

Taiwanese Pizza...My companion and I decided that Taiwanese people don't exactly understand what pizza is...They kinda just throw everything together and call it good hahaha 

Hellloooooo family and friends! 

Highlight of this week was for walking into the chapel on Sunday. Both of my Recent Converts from this area were there, as well as some other investigators. Zhan Dixiong was dressed in a white shirt and tie, passing out programs when we got there. He was so happy to be helping it and it was the most adorable thing ever. Wang Jiemei also dressed up and looked fantastic! The Relief Society gave her a warm welcome and it felt amazing to see her stand up and introduce herself to the other Sisters. Jerry was already in the chapel when we got there, quietly waiting for the meeting to start. Such an amazing site to see so many people I love be able to partake of the Sacrament! Love them so much! 

Amazing story / miracle of the week starts off about 6 weeks ago when our water filter broke! Basically for the past few weeks we haven't had clean water at the apartment so we've had to buy a million plastic water bottles. We tried calling various repair men but none of them were willing to help! So this week, we decided we NEEDED clean water so we texted the Elders in the mission office, pleading for their help! They decided to be the MVPs of the week and come to our apartment themselves and fix it! They said they could come that night, but we decided to ask them if they could come the next day instead. (In reality, we could moved our schedule for them to come that night but after talking a little, we decided not to) The next day, they ended up being a little late and it took longer than we thought, so after they left, we found ourselves trying to decide where to eat lunch. My companion gave me about 7 options to choose from and we took turns eliminating them until we decided on this random Cantonese place we had never tried before! 

When we got there we stood outside, looking at the sign, trying to figure out how / what to order. We must have looked confused because after standing there for a minute or two, this nice man comes up and asks if we want help, in ENGLISH! We gladly accepted his help and ordered our food. When we got in the restaurant, we half got invited to sit with him and half invited ourselves to sit with him. Come to find out, he has lived in lots of different places in America! So cool!We asked him which was his favorite and he said UTAH! Whhhaaaattttt? So basically after talking and getting to know him, my companion pulls our her phone to share a video. She pulls it up and I was dumbfounded because I just barley had the thought to share the same video! (The Spirit really does direct our work!) He loved the video and asked us to share it with him so he could show how students! So incredible! There we so many things that led up to us meeting him. (our water filter breaking, not getting it fixed that same night, it taking longer than expected, going to the random restaurant, and looking confused) All of these things led us to be at the exact place and exact time we needed to be in order to meet Jason! Such an incredible experience and we are excited to keep meeting with him ! 

Another cool miracle was when we were going through our English class roll and realized there was one girl neither of us recodnized. Taking a leap of faith, my companion texts her (having no idea who she is) and starts a conversation! Later, she was willing to meet with us! Her name is Wendy and she is adorable! She brought little cookies to share and loved hearing about our families. We talked about prayer has blessed our families and invited her to start praying everyday! She accepted and was very very willing! So cool to see how my companion's small leap of faith led to us meeting this incredible person. Yay Sister Hurst! 

Other than that, this week was full of teaching lessons, finding people, and having lots of adventures in this lovely land of Taiwan! I love this island so much and could not be happier to be a missionary here. Even though Chinese is very hard and sometimes it's hard to communicate, I can feel the love of the people I meet. While our language and cultures are different, we are all children of God. He loves each and everyone of us! He knows our names, struggles, talents, joys and weaknesses. He will help us no matter what. All we have to do is let 
Him :) 

Love you all so much! Have an amazing week! 
Sister Meeks 

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