Sunday, May 27, 2018


Pday last week with our favorite Sisters!! (Sister Warren: ex-companion, Sister Elliott: MTC roommate)

Our lesson with Jerry outside the temple

I asked our investigator to help me pic a Chinese name (very casually) turns out he spent hours picking one. He wanted it to fit my personality and sound kinda like my English name. So sweet! 

Zhan Dixiong after his baptism! 

 I love Sister Hurst! She did my hair and I did hers 😊 so cute. 

Sister Hurst and I biking over this huge bridge to get a missionary fireside! 

Us biking home that night over the same bridge!  

Our awesome ward at our ward fireside!! Love them! 

Friends and Family! 大家早安! 

This week was incredible! First and foremost, Zhan Dixiong got baptized! AHHHH so so so exciting and we are beyond happy for him. A little about his story: He used to live in an area farther away and has been meeting with missionaries for a long time. The reason he wasn't baptized earlier is because his work wouldn't allow him to come to church. But he really had a desire to be baptized so not only did he move to a completely different part of Taiwan, but he switched his job so he could come to church on Sunday! He is so so cool! Sister Hurst, Sister Warren and I have had the amazing opportunity to get to know him better over the past few weeks and helped him finish everything he needed to do to be baptized. Such an awesome guy! 

On the actual baptism day, he got to the church and was so excited! I kept telling him he could sit down while we were waiting for it to start but he kept getting up again because he was so excited! As he went down into the baptismal font, I was so incredibly happy. He is going to do some amazing things in this church and I'm happy to be a part of his journey. After the service, I asked him what his feelings were and he said, "I feel pure." This melted my heart a little bit and I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. So amazing. Yay Zhan Dixiong!! :) :) :) 

Other cool things from the baptism was that our investigator Jerry was also able to attend. He had an amazing spiritual experience. It was the first baptism he had ever been too and he was just amazed the entire time. He kept shaking his head and just saying "wow." He made friends with Zhan Dixiong so we are excited for them to continue to progress together! 

While that was the highlight of the week, we had some other incredible things happen. Sister Hurst and I have been specifically focusing on how we can find more people to teach and we saw a lot of success! At the begining of the week, we found lots of people so on the weekend, we has a bunch of lessons with some solid people! Biggest miracles were three of the people set baptismal dates with us! So huge!!! All three felt the Spirit and are willing to work towards baptism with us. So excited to see them progress! 

Other fun things from this week! 
1. I forgot the keys a few weeks ago and now Sister Hurst very pointedly asks me everyday if I grabbed then! Hahaha 
2. We got called a Barbie Doll by an investigator multiple times...Without any explanation. 
3. Our investigator called us right before we were going home one night and asked if we wanted pizza!  #jerryisthebest

That's it for this week! Don't forget that I love hearing about you and all of your lives! Miss you all and love you more! 

Have an amazing week! 
Sister Meeks 

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