Sunday, May 20, 2018

Halfway there!

Us trying to help Elder Walters sit on his chair! As you can see by the other picture, it was not successful! Haha 

Last district picture together! The amount of chairs represents how many transfers you have been in Taiwan. As you can see, we said goodbye to Elder Walters this week! He's the best and we were so happy to serve with him!

Young single adults took us out to dinner! 

This is how we get to church every week! 

I got to sing at a baptism with Elder Park from my district! The spirit was so strong and it was so awesome to see the love and support in that room ! 

Some amazing food from this week!!

Met these awesome members who rememberd by brother Andrew from 5 years ago! So cute!!

Struggles of our water filter being broken...

Us and our official staff badges for the Lamb of God! 

I met Sister Hurst's cute investigator from her last area! She is amazing and I have loved getting to know her! 

Hello Friends and Family! 

This week was crazy and good at the same time! First off, we had transfers...The trio was split up! Sister Hurst and I are staying in the area and Sister Warren got transfered to Yilan! Sister Hurst and I are the youngest companionship in the mission and we are excited to rise to the challenge! We started in the MTC together and just hit our halfway mark together as well! It's crazy to see how fast time is flying! 

But we had some awesome things happen this week!! I'm going to use Sister Hurst's words to describe two of them! 

"We were able to teach that family from English class again this week. The elders weren't able to make it to the pass off lesson, so we had the opportunity to teach them again!! We ended up teaching the full restoration and they all LOVED it!! They had so many awesome questions, and a clear desire to know truth. The Spirit was brought into the lesson so strongly as my awesome companion resighted the first vision, and they all definitely felt it. By the end of the lesson, we were able to commit them all to start praying and reading the Book of Mormon everyday, and to pray to know truth. It was such a powerful lesson and I'm so grateful that we had the opportunity to teach this amazing family again!! 

We also had a really awesome performance this Saturday at our chapel. Our district leader Elder Walters played the piano on broadway before his mission, and decided a couple months ago that he wanted to organize and direct The Lamb of God to be performed his last day here in Taiwan. So he worked with the APs to translate the entire thing into Chinese, organized auditions, hired some of the best singers and musicians in Taiwan, put together and entire orchestra, hired a professional sound and lighting crew, a conductor, and literally anything else you can think of. He did it all. And my companion and I had the opportunity to be on the staff team and make sure everything went smoothly. The performances were incredible!!!! The Spirit was so powerful and our investigators that we brought with us were very touched. It was such an amazing experience and im so grateful for the opportunity that we had to be a part of it."

Thank you Sister Hurst! It really was incredible to see all the miracles that happened this week! I have really come to find that as we trust in the Lord, no matter what happens) he will guide and direct us. I know that as we trust him, he will help us grow and overcome any challenge we might face! 

Love you all and hope you have an incredible week! 
Sister Meeks 

P.S. shout out to my little brother Jacob who is graduating high school this week! You're awesome!! 加油!

Check out my awesome blog my mom keeps up for me!! 

4/F, #24, Lane 183
JinHua Street
Da-an, Taipei 106

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