Sunday, February 18, 2018

Happy Chinese New Year

 Our amazing district! Lazer Tagging for the win! 

Happy Valentines Day! 

Difference of two day we are freezing and the next we are wearing summer clothes! 

Us making fun of our Elder's Elevator pics

Beautiful dumplings we ate this week! 

. Us attempting to bike after eating an unnatural amount of much. 

 Our crazy Elders...

 I love my companion! 

Us playing a game with this adorable member girl

Hello Friends and Family! 

Can I just say, this week was crazy! I hit my six month mark ! It's amazing how fast time flies by. It seems like it was just last week that I was leaving home...when in reality it's been a solid six months. I can say I miss everyone very very much. I am also loving the work more then ever as well. We are working with some pretty amazing people. 

This is what my comp has to say about this week! " It's easy for me to say that for the past week I have been 110% full. Not a single bit hungry. Yep. Here's why. The work here in ZhuBei has come to nearly a COMPLETE halt because of Chinese New Year. Everyone has gone home for the holiday, or all the people who are here are packed away into their homes with all their family members by their side. So .. us missionaries' schedules took a dramatic twist as all our investigators have left ZhuBei for the week and no one else in the city wants to meet with us until "AFTER GUONIAN". But, don't worry ! We're still busy ;) We have some amazing members here in Taiwan. About a month ago they started passing around a sign-up sheet for who would be willing to feed the missionaries throughout this whole week. And, it was definitely a success. We have been fed lunch and dinner every day for nearly a week. And, I'm not talkin' about PB&J sandwiches and a small bag of chips folks. I'm talkin' meals the size of American Thanksgivings ... but every day for lunch and dinner and then they send us home with leftovers. The moment we're done at one home we head on over to the next (not a single bit hungry) and eat another serving meant for a giant. It's awesome ... but kind of painful at the same time ... That has pretty much been the whole week. In between all the eating there has just been a lot of cleaning. Our mission is doing a deep clean of apartments throughout this slow time of year "

Basically it's been slow but so fun at the same time. We are loving life here in Taiwan. Check out the pictures below to see a little more about my week! 

Love you all! 
Sister Meeks

4/F, #24, Lane 183
Jin Hua Street
Da-an, Taipei 106

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