Wednesday, March 14, 2018

This week in pictures

Hello all! 

Here is my week , told in pictures!! 

1. In district meeting, we talked about faith! So one of the Elders was blindfolded and he had to run straight, with total faith he wouldn't fail. It was a super cool way to talk about faith! 

2. We were biking around, and then random I see this lady out walking her bird!!! So we turn around and start talking to her. Apparently she always has it with her...always! So funny. She didn't want to meet with us but she let us hold her bird! 

3. Me on exchanges with Sister Chao! SHE IS AWESOME! We had so much fun and we worked hard to try and promote our weekly English class. 

4. My cute companion writing on our daily contact board during Weekly Planning. She refused to bring the board down so she just sat on the desk and wrote on it! haha

5. The view from our apartment! WE LOVE ZHUBEI! 

6. On exchanges with the amazing Sisters in Xinzhu!

7. I got super sick this week, but my companion made me this super cute note! She can write in three languages! It's so cute

Even with a fever of a 102, you can still take selfies.

I don't have lots of time this week (we are going to the beach today! (WOOT) But I just wanted to let you know that this gospel is true and I love it with all my heart. I'm so happy to be a missionary here in Taiwan. I have about a year left, and I made a goal this week to make the best of everyday! This is the true church and through it, we can have eternal happiness and joy. 

Love you all! Thank you so much for all your support and encouragement. 

Sister Meeks 

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