Sunday, February 11, 2018


My cute companion and I with our matching outfits....we are adorable! 

Me fixing my companion's shoe :) 


Still love her, literally blow drying her hair! 

Our adorable investigator Joyce!

Amazing Japanese Dinner! 

Our favorite dog! 

Us doing facials at our investigators DIY event! 

More pampering time with our investigator! 

Hi Friends and Family! 

Hope you all had a amazing week! 

We had a fun week full of random stuff going down haha The rough part about serving here in the beautiful country of Taiwan is that Chinese New Year is right around the corner, and no one wants to meet with the missionaries with 過年快到了。No worries though, we still kept busy ;) Our week looked a little something like this ;)

- We went to dinner with one of our sweet members and she qinged us Japanese food !! The main talk of the meal was the earthquakes ;) Over the past week we've had quite a few through out Taiwan. The biggest was last Tuesday night, we were hit with a 6.4. My companion and I probably looked pretty pathetic, we only panicked a little ;) haha Our friends all over Taiwan are doing well though. Poor Hualian had to evacuate and sleep under desks at the chapel ... so ... I'm only a lottle happy that I'm moved away from that coast for the time being ;) All is well here though, and the news made for some easy conversation on the streets ;) We sure are blessed !

- This last Wednesday my companion and I were approved to use Facebook in order to spread the news of our new English Class website !! : Feel free to take a look and share with any friends from Taiwan you have ;) :D It's incredible how fast news spreads through the internet. As the website has made it's way around, we've had thousands of people view it every day, and there have been hundreds of people signing up to not only learn English, but to learn about the gospel as well :) It's incredible. Such a blessing that we have English Class as a finding method and technology to help push it forward !! 

-Friday was  a busy one for us !! We started off the morning by visiting our investigator at a DIY event she was holding ! There, we got to meet her friends and family members over cake and other snacks ;) It was a DIY on skin care and eye brow art ;) But, the best part of being there was being able to gain 2 new potentials through it all. Our investigator's friend and older sister both gave us their LINEs so we can continue to share <3 It's amazing how just supporting our friend at her event helped us share the gospel !

-Friday night was also a fun one as our killer elders put on a basketball tournament for the community. We had 12 teams of 3 members sign up !!! In all the people that came, there was 1 investigator and all the others were non-members !!! So, by the end of the 3 on 3 tournament the elders had set up with a solid 6 or 7 of those that came. Thus gaining 6 or 7 new investigators in the long run !! Just cuz they invited them to come ball up !! It was a great finding method and a fun night as well. It's always great being surrounded by great missionaries; the elders worked hard and really reaped the rewards of all they did. Hey, there was even ONE girl there to support her friends ;) She was cute ... not interested ;) ... but cute !! haha :D 

- Now, let me tell ya about our adorable Chen Jie Mei ;) We were blessed to see her at church this Sunday for the 10th time ;) She's killing it, and loves the learning atmosphere at church. She loves sacrament meeting and learns so much there. It's amazing how just a few months ago she had no idea it even existed, but now she's a regular and she's seeing the gospel change her life one week at a time. She's progressing well as she's coming to say her own sincere prayers. She's just, awesome." 

This week really was incredilbe. It's amazing to see people develop their testimonies and I can develop mine at the same time. This week I finnished the Book of Mormon. Cover to Cover! It was an incredible experience and I can say without a doubt that it is the word of God. We can learn so much from this incredible book and we can develop our own personal testimony. I invite you all to read it, cover to cover, and then pray and ask Heavenly Father if it is true. I can promise you will get an answer. 

Love you all so much!! 
Sister Meeks


4/F, #24, Lane 183
Jin Hua Street
Da-an, Taipei 106

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