Sunday, February 25, 2018

Love From Sister Meeks

Really cool park in our area! Love ZhuBei! 

Us with our awesome investigator! 


When we found out my companion was being transferred :( 

My new companion, Sister Jensen

We are adorable! 

Our bomb district

Bomb district..part 2 

HELLLLLOOOOOOO friends and family!!! 

Hope your week was amazing! This week was great! We finished off the Chinese New Year with a lot of food! We are so blessed to have such generous ward that is willing to feed us and take care of us. We are never in need of anything here. ZhuBei is such a good place to serve! 

This week we met with a bunch of amazing people. One of them was Sister Peng! We love her so much. She is preparing for baptism and she is literally the perfect investigator. She comes to every lesson prepared with questions and she is trying so hard to change her life so she can become closer to God. We are so excited to keep meeting with her! 

But, the biggest thing that happened this week was TRANSFERS! My amazing companion and trainer got transferred! :( There were a lot of sad emotions as we packed her bags and said our goodbyes. I learned so much from her and we saw a lot of miracles in our two transfers together. We helped each other a lot and grew together as missionaries and friends. I will miss her so much but I know her next companion needs her just as much as I did! LOVE HER! 

My new companion is Sister Jensen! She is from Mapleton Utah and she has been in Taiwan for 9 months! We have had a couple days together and we are loving life! We have been doing some very serious language study and we are both improving a lot! I'm excited to see what happens this next transfer! 

In closing, I just wanted to share my testimony on blessings! I have been reading the Book of Mormon this past few weeks and have just been marking promised blessings. There are SO MANY! God loves us so much and just wants to give us blessings. All we need to do is be faithful and diligent! :) 

Love you all so much! 
Sister Meeks

P.S. I love getting mail and seeing pictures from you all! 

4/F, #24, Lane 183
Jin Hua Street
Da-an, Taipei 106

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