Monday, December 11, 2017


Heya Friends and Fam! 

I AM IN TAIWAN! I REPEAT I AM IN TAIWAN!! I never thought it would happen but it finally did. I received a call from President Love last Saturday night and I left Monday morning. I cannot thank my companions, members, friends, investigators and everyone else in Missouri who made my time there fantastic. It was such a good experience and I would not give it up! Can't wait to hear about all the success that will continue in that area. :)

But since then it has been a whirlwind! I flew from Kansas City to San Francisco, had about a 4 hour layover, then flew straight to Taiwan! While the person next to me didn't want to hear about the gospel, we still had some pretty good conversations :) Then I landed and I couldn't get through security because I didn't know the address of where I was staying! So after many failed phone calls, I finally got it and made it through. People see your missionary nametag and just automatically think you can speak Chinese so there was a bit of a struggle there...(They didn't understand why I didn't understand them!) But President Jergensen was waiting for me and is so awesome! He is over 6 feet tall and is a very loud person so he was easy to spot :) 

Then, because I came mid transfer, I went straight to my area and met my trainer. Her name is Sister Nielsen and she is AWESOME! We get along so well and have tons of fun. I am serving in the Zhubei area and it is so awesome. I am already loving the people here. 

In the morning, we got up and had a lesson with an investigator. (Fan Jiemei) She is so cute! She ordered us breakfast and then we started talking about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. She had a lot of really interesting questions and she wants to pray about a baptismal date! YAY!

Then we had district meeting and it was awesome. I was literally blessed with the best district ever. They are so funny and so nice. We have a lot of fun together. One of my MTC friends (Elder Swensen) is in my district so that was really nice to see a familiar face. 

Some members took us out for dinner...literally ate so much food! She saw I liked something so she ordered another plate...after I was full! 

Same member., rockin' her Christmas tree hat. She is literally so cute.

Me and my cute comp at the Grand Hotel! 

Us having dinner at the Stake President's house. Crazy thing is I know his daughter! She came to BYU one summer and we are already Facebook friends! Small world! 

My view from our window. The building with the blue roof is our chapel!

The temple in Taipei! 

We then had our first English class! My companion and I teach the little kid class and they are so cute! I'm not sure how much English they learn but we have a lot of fun. They call me teacher Meeks and it is the cutest thing I have ever heard. We were playing musical chairs and this little girl (probably 3 years old) gets out because of an older boy. She proceeds to stand on the chair and give him a piece of her mind, very aggressively! It was so funny in her little high voice and she has so much sass for a 3 year old and it made my day. 

Then we went to Taibei to meet the other new missionaries who came from the MTC. My trainer hasn't trained before so she had to go figure that out. I also got to see another friend from the MTC (Sister Elliot!) She is awesome and I was so so so so so happy to see her :) Then we went and got our new money and bought our smartphones! Each missionary gets one here and it is very convenient. It really helps the work progress. We can use convenient ways to communicate with people and planning while we are out and about is so much easier. We are really blessed to be able to use this technology to further the work. 

The rest of the week was full of meeting with investigators (We have 3 with a baptism this month!) and different activities. Then Sunday came, which was crazy. My companion and I are over three wards so we went to a solid 7+ hours of church. I had to introduce myself in all the sacrament meetings which was terrifying but really good too. Everyone is so nice and always compliments your Chinese speaking abilities (even if you just say your name). Our wards are really the best and we also have a super nice chapel we get to meet in. 

Basically I'm loving my life here in Taiwan. It's a whole lot of crazy but a whole lot of amazing. I can't wait for my Chinese to get better so I can help the people here even more. 

So, random stuff about Taiwan: 
1. There basically aren't any traffic laws...people just kinda do what they want
2. People love when you try and speak Chinese! Then they just laugh at you when you mess up. 
3. Food is super cheap! Really though...the most I've spent on a meal here is like 3 American dollars. 
4. People don't match their clothes...bright green and orange are totally ok together :) 
5. The water makes you sick so you can't drink it! 

Love you all and hope you are having a fantastic week! 
Sister Meeks

4/F, #24, Lane 183
Jin Hua Street
Da-an, Taipei 106

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