Sunday, December 17, 2017

Two weeks in

1. The streets of Taipei! 

 My comp and I getting super yummy street food!

This is in a grocery store! It's so big they have little escalators that are magnetic so the carts don't roll off!

Our cute little Christmas tree we got for 3 dollars :)

Us waiting for the train in the freezing cold and HUGE rain!

Hot Pot! SO good! 

Investigator who treated us to Hot Pot. Literally met with her once and they she took us out!

Hey everyone! 

Week Two in the Beautiful land of Taiwan! What a blessing it is to be serving here. While I don't understand most of what is being said, I really do love the people so much. They are so kind and generous. We have seen so many miracles happen because of other people. It really is amazing and surprises me everyday!

Last Pday we went to Taipei to practice for our huge missionary choir event! On Christmas Eve, we have a huge program put on by the missionaries and we have been inviting everyone we can! We have so many talented missionaries and we really are going to touch the hearts of people through music. It was also really nice to see a bunch of people I knew from the MTC! Always good to connect with them.

But this week moved a little bit slower than last because my companion has been super sick. She is such a trooper though. We have had tons of lessons this week and she really has just pushed through the sickness. One of those lessons was with Chen Jiemei. She has a baptismal date of the 30th and we couldn't be more happy for her. She has been making some really big changes in her life and her faith is so strong. She takes promises with God and repentance very seriously. While she has a few more things to work through, I have faith she will still be baptized on the 30th. 

English class this week was also very exciting! We were talking about the body this week so we taught them "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes." I'm not sure how well they know the words but they were pretty cute! (I attached a video of it) It's always super chaotic but really fun. A lot of moms come with their kids so we have been able to find investigators every week! We have a special Christmas class next week and a lot of people said they are going to bring friends. So exciting!

On Thursday a investigator took us to a Hotpot ! Literally so so so so so yummy :) It takes a super long time to eat so it was really nice to get to know her more. She is a young mom who really loves her family! She doesn't have any specific religious beliefs so we are trying to help her develop a relationship with God!

Another cool thing that happened that we were doing studies at a store and this random guy came up to us and just started a conversation. We found out that he is a Less Active member and is going to move into our ward in the next two weeks. He said he saw us and it reminded him how much the gospel has helped his life. So he decided he is going to come back to church! He then got us free drinks and thanked us a lot for our service. Literally is so sweet and it really showed me that we help people even when we don't talk to them! Missionaries have a cool impact on lots of different types of people. 

But this week has been really special because I have been able to feel the Christmas spirit so strongly! When we share about Christ and his birth, people's attitudes change and it's amazing to see. So, I invite you all to come up with a way you can better remember Christ this week, leading up to Christmas. You can start by watching this AWESOME video :) 

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