Monday, November 27, 2017

Thanksgiving and a Chinese miracle




Hi Everyone!

 This week has been a fantastic one. We have seen so many incredible miracles and had a lot of blessings  from Heavenly Father. With it being Thanksgiving this  past week, it has been easy  to recognize blessings and be grateful for them. 

Speaking  of Thanksgiving,  our members  spoiled us this week! We went over to the Bishop's and helped make dinner  there for a bunch of single people in  our ward who didn't have places to go. The food was amazing! Then we went to another get together with with a large extended family that is in our ward. We got to visit them and meet a bunch of new people that we hadn't yet. Such a neat  opportunity. Then after that, we were able to visit a lady in  the ward who didn't have any family to be with. We just visited with her and ate some leftover pie we had brought. So basically Thanksgiving was an awesome day!
Something else cool that happened is I was able to find a Chinese investigator! Crazy right ? I mean, we are in Maryville Missouri.  But we went to this  Chinese / Sushi restaurant and I heard a couple of the workers there speak with a Chinese accent. I finally got the courage to go up to one of them and ask if they spoke  Chinese. She got so excited and we just started chatting. Then she had to go to another table and I thought that was the end of it. But NO! She brought another lady over, and then more workers came so I had about 5 people around me, all speaking Chinese! It was really crazy and so cool at the same time.  I was able to explain to them how and why I learned  Chinese and also was able to  set up appointments with two of them! Such a cool experience. 

At Sacrament meeting this week,  one of our newest investigators came. We were so excited! He brought his grandsons with him and they loved Primary. This man, named Jerry, (I may have mentioned him last week) has pioneer ancestors and knows a lot about LDS history, but doesn't really know what be believe.  We are excited to continue teaching hin and his family. :) 
Today we had the amazing opportunity to visit Adam-Ondi-Ahman! (For those of you who don't know, this was a site that early pioneers came to live and we also believe that Christ will return there before the 2nd coming) The scenery is so beautiful and it was a very spiritual place. I have loved being able to visit some Church Historic Sites while I have been here. I really builds my testimony of the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Also, if you haven't heard of "Light the World" yet from the various posts on Facebook,  then LOOK IT UP! It is a way to serve in "25 days in 25 ways!" There are cute little videos for everyday and it gives different  ways to serve. Really cool way  to be in Christmas spirit throughout the whole  month :) 

Love you all so much and hope you have a great week!

The picture of the rock is where Joseph Smith would stand and speak to the saints in Adam-Ondi-Ahman! So neat :) 

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