Monday, September 25, 2017

MTC Week 6 - The Fire of Christ

Hello Everyone! 

   The highlight of this week was having the opportunity to hear Quentin L. Cook come speak to us on Tuesday. He is such an amazing speaker and I learned so much from him. My favorite part of his talk was how he talked about keeping the "Fire of Christ" in our hearts. Christ is the center of everything in our church and if we have a great love for him in our hearts always, we can help other people realize how amazing He is and how we can use the Atonement in our lives. 

    I don't think I've shared this yet but I'm the pianist for our branch! It's been a great opportunity and I've gotten to meet a lot of people as I practice with them. I love music so much and it has been a huge help while here. So interesting to see how much it can effect you when you choose to listen and play things that will bring you closer to Christ. I love singing about the Church and it gives me a lot of peace as well. 

     We have been growing even closer as a District this week and it's been great. We play sports together, study together, go to Devotional together, and so much more. It's going to be very hard to say goodbye to our Elders (they are all going to Canada) but they all live in Utah so we'll get the chance to see them again. They have been such a help and they are all such great examples. 

      Thank you all for all the support and love I have been receiving. It's been such a huge help. I love the gospel and I know this is the right place for me to be. I am so excited to be here and even more excited to begin serving the people of Taiwan. 

     Loves you all, 
        Sister Jessica Meeks​

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