Sunday, February 3, 2019

The One Where We Prepared for Chinese New Year

Ericka Elliott and her Donuts

Jasmine Player and Jessica Meeks at Taibei 101

Bafang Dumplings (Jasmine Player and Jessica Meeks)

A year difference in District pictures !

Us killing the bug...and making a mess! 

Jessica Meeks, Yan Ru (member) and Jasmine Player

Walking the streets of Taibei! 

Jasmine Player, Jessica Meeks, and Kris (little six year old son of recent convert Patty)

Jessica Meeks, Patty, Kris, and Jasmine Player

Our Chinese New Year card (Jessica Meeks and Jasmine Player)

West Zone Best Zone! 

Temple night! Jasmine Player, Sister Dong (member) Sister Wang (RC), Xie Jun Jun (RC), Jessica Meeks, Austin (RC).


-Our donut trip on Pday 
-Year of the Pig
-walking down the streets of Taiwan 
-Kris wanted to give this piece of fruit to my parents! He was sad to find out they lived all the way in America! 
-Patty and Kris showing us the way after dinner 
-Chaos/shoe mess after killing a cockroach haha 
-Temple Night 
-The chairs represent the number of transfers you have been on your mission! The first one is when I was in Banqiao the first time and the second one was taken this week! 
-had lunch with cute new lady we met this week! 
-Zone Council! #westzonebestzone
-Sister Player's first time at my favorite restaurant! 

Hello Everyone! 

新年快樂!! HAPPY NEW YEAR! This week was full of fun Chinese New Year preparations and fun things! It goes on this entire next week and we are excited to be a part of all the fun celebrations! This year is The Year of the Pig so we see lots of fun stuff all around the streets! We are loving it so far! 

This week started with a fun trip to Taibei 101.(the tallest building in Taiwan) We did some fun shopping and made a special visit to Kristy Kreme! That was super fun! Sister Elliott (my last companion) and I love going there to look at all the fun shops everywhere! Very fun day! 

Then on Tuesday, I got to reunite and have dinner with two of my favorite people from this area!! Patty and Kris! They are so so fun to be around! Kris is 6 years old and full of lots of energy while is mom just looks on and shakes her head. She got baptized about a year ago and is preparing to go to the temple. I felt the spirit so strong and I testified of the blessing of the temple and how much it was going to help her and her son. I love them so much and am excited to go to the temple with her! 

Wednesday we had English class! I got to see some old students and they were super confused as to why I was back in Banqiao! 🤣 But it was a fun reunion and we got to teach all our cute kids about the food pyramid! Sister Player did great and we ended with a spiritual share about families and how we can pray over our food! They loved it and we are excited to hear the stories as they try it with their families over Chinese New Year. 

On Thursday we had an awesome Zone Council! Let's go West Zone! Sister Player and I had the opportunity to train everyone on daily planning and we also talked about how we can better build up the church here in Taiwan. We have some really amazing missionaries in our Zone and it was cool to hear everyone's ideas! I have seen so many miracles as we work with the people in our ward and I have made so many close friends! I'm excited to have this new push for member work lead to to a lot of miracles! 

We also got to go to the temple that night with 3 of my RCs from this area! I was feeling so emotional as I got to see them all to work for their ancestors. Each of them have grown and learned so much since the first time I met them. It really is amazing what the Gospel of Jesus Christ can do to change someone's life! 

Friday was crazy! We were running around all day long!  But I got to meet with a former friend Jerry and it made me super super happy. I started teaching him last year when I was first in this area and he has changed so much. I rememeber helping him read the first few chapters of the Book of Mormon, and now he is just a few chapters away from finishing! So proud of him. We also got to eat lunch with this member we met last week! She is moving to our area from the East Coast and she is adorable. We are super similar and she loves go laugh and joke around with us. Such a fun time!

Saturday was also really busy! We got to eat lunch with some of Sister Player's Mom's friends who were visiting Taiwan! Such fun connections! Then later that night, we got to eat dinner with 謝姐妹 and Austin! (My RCs) Since we went to the temple with them this week, we talked about temples and all the blessing that come along with it! We also talked about misisonary work and one of the things she asked was "Is missionary life ever hard or do you ever get sad?" 

I thought about this question for a second and I said "Yes it does." But I kept explaining my thoughts. Missionary work is hard! But it's also incredible. It was hard for me to understand at first. How could this new experience, fill of trials and struggles, also be such a happy part of my life? I truly know that I am happy because I'm sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with other people. Seeing the people I teach change because of their knowledge of the Gospel is completely incredible and nothing matches that feeling!! The Gospel of Jesus Christ changes everyone and makes them happier! I know it has changed me. 

Love you all! 
Sis. Meeks 

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