Sunday, February 17, 2019

Save the Penguins

Our Valenines Day treat from Jerry (investigator)

Cutting Jasmine Player's Hair

Night Market fun with the Wu Family

Valentine's Day English Class

Door Selfie on our way out!

Flowers for Enlgish Class moms (Jasmine Player and Jessica Meeks)

Jasmine Player, Jessica Meeks and Jenny (member from Banqiao)

Jasmine Player, Jessica Meeks, and random girl we met in the cafeteria

Grace (Hong En Ci) and Jessica Meeks reunited in Taibei! (She was a young women in the Hualian area) 

Grace (Hong En Ci) and Jessica Meeks reunited in Taibei! (She was a young women in the Hualian area) 

Grace (Hong En Ci) and Jessica Meeks reunited in Taibei! (She was a young women in the Hualian area) 

Hey All! 

To explain the subject line, we were eating with my cute recent covert Austin and his mom. Out of the blue he starts telling us that all the polar bears are dying (because he likes to update us on the news) and then he starts ranting about how everybody is talking about the polar bears and no one cares about the penguins! It was very cute and very impressive how much he knew! But we were all trying not to laugh because he was VERY concerned for the well being of these penguins. But way to go Austin...He's gonna save all the penguins someday! Haha 

But these week was super short because we had Pday on Wednesday! But the highlight these week was an awesome English class! We taught about Valentine's Day and we had like ten new students! It was very chaotic and very fun. We had the feeling to buy this huge bouquet of flowers earlier in the day and when we gave them to the kids and moms, they were so so happy ! It was incredible. We shared all the love on Valentine's day!! 

Anyway, love you all so so so much! We are going on an adventure so I don't have tons of time today ! But love you all and hope you have an amazing week! 

Sister Meeks 

1-3. English Class ! Topic: Valentine's Day 
4.  Our investigator Jerry gave us these cute couple bears for Valentine's Day 
5. Meeting with a cute lady in our ward! 
6. I cut my companion's hair!! Haha 
7. Cute new friend, Victoria ! Already love her 
8-10. We did a mini photo shoot with one of my young women I worked with in Hualian. We are best friends and this is the last time I was going to see her so we did a photo shoot to remember everything! 

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