Sunday, October 14, 2018

General Conference

Me eating my 1000th dumpling in Taiwan!!!!!! 

 Our favorite friends at our favorite restaurant! 

MIRACLE of finding Christine! 

Lunch with President and his wife

Sister Peterson taking pictures of us contacting while President watches us 



Exchanges with Sister MacCabe 

Hello Everyone! 

This Monday we went to a all-you-can-eat Hot Pot for Elder Raymond's birthday! Super fun and super yummy! Nothing better than being with fun missionary friends and eating some amazing hot pot 😊 Then we decided to go to the beach (becuase one of the Sisters has never been her whole time in Taiwan!) so we played frisbee there and took some awesome pictures. It was the last time seeing one of my missionary friends so we all said goodbye and he gave us some departing words of wisdom. So bitter sweet!! Then we ran into a misisonary who went home a little bit ago and came back to travel with his parents. Such a fun time! 

Then we had the chance to go on exchanges in Taidong!!! So so so fun. I was with Sister MacCabe and she is fire! We are basically the same person so we got along really well and saw some awesome miracles. Taidong is such a beautiful place and the people are so incredible. I've heard about it all my mission from past companions (you know who you are) and I've been so grateful for small chances to serve with these amazing people! 

Thursday was full of miracles! In the morning, we met with Maggie! She is incredible. She is the one who we met last transfer after being prompted to sit outside when we didn't have any English Class students. She is progressing so well! We wanted her to meet more church members so we invited a sister who lives really close to her. They hit it off really well! She prepared some cakes and drinks for us and was just so excited to share all of her spiritual experiences. She is incredible and I know I was sent to this area to find her. 

Last week, we talked to this sweet mom after playing frisbee and she said we could come visit her at her house! We were so so excited. About a week later, we confirmed her address and realized that it was VERY far away. Almost the farthest part of our area and our area is huge! We tried to get a memeber to drive us but couldn't find, so we started biking! About an hour later, we got to the place that Google Maps took us too and it was pretty sketchy. We heard monkeys in the trees and saw some pretty scary looking dogs. Haha So we called her and we were for sure not in the right place! After a small little adventure, we found the place and she let us in! She has two little boys so we met with her, her husband, and the little kids. Such a happy moment. We shared about the Restoration and she loved it. We explained about the Priesthood Authority and she committed to be baptized ! We were literally blown away. On the 13+ mile bike ride home, we were just full of happiness! God knew exactly where she would be and helped us know exactly what to say. LOVE THEM. 

Then, Friday was also full of miracles. Started the day with an interview with President and that always pumps me up. Then we went to McDonald's for a lesson and she didn't show up 😭 So we started our studies and this cute Phillopino mom came over with her baby and started talking to us. We find out she is already Christian and she invites us to come sit by her. 

BUT WAIT it gets better, she lets us share the first lesson with her and she loves it! She looked me straight in the eye and said, "Sister Meeks, I hear your words but its your eyes that are making me want to learn more." I was taken aback and felt the Spirit so strong. So I felt I should invite her to baptism right there and she accepted. Literally incredible. 

I also got a chance to watch Conference this weekend! (We wait a week becuase we have to wait for it to be translated into Chinese) I learned so much but the thing that struct me most was how President Nelson spoke about us correcting the way we refer to our church. He spoke about how Jesus Christ is the center of our church and he is the one who established our church. He is our Savior and Reedemer. Becuase of that, we cannot take His Name out of church! It is the most important part! 

Our Prophet, Russel M. Nelson, said...

"I promise you that if we will do our best to restore the correct name of the Lord’s Church, He whose Church this is will pour down His power and blessings upon the heads of the Latter-day Saints, the likes of which we have never seen. We will have the knowledge and power of God to help us take the blessings of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people and to prepare the world for the Second Coming of the Lord." 

Pretty powerful promise right? I know as we use the correct name of the church, we will have more blessings than we can ever imagine ! So let's take this challenge together! We got this! 

Love you all! Hope you have an amazing week! 
Sis. Meeks 

Video calling the Sisters! 

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