Sunday, September 23, 2018


Pday pictures!!! 

Kao Rou! (BBQ)

Learning how to make food with Duan JM! 

Lesson with Li JM and the new Elders in this area !

New comp! 

Line dancing at our ward activity! 

Fun activity on Saturday!

 Cute friend Lin JM! She brought us a ton of gifts the first time we met with her! So sweet!

Hello Everyone! 

This week has been awesome! It was the week of transfers so a lot of things changed! 

But first off, we had an awesome Pday last wee where we went to Taroko National Park. It was BEAUTIFUL. Seriously so beautiful. We went with the sisters who live with us and their friend who got baptized a few weeks ago. Her name is Toast and she is the sweetest! It's been so awesome to see her progress and improve in so many ways! The Gospel has changed her life and it was cool to spend the day with her and hear all about her cool experiences. 

Since it was transfer week and we were pretty sure my companion was leaving, a lot of people wanted to take us out to lunch or dinner. They are all so so sweet and I have loved serving in this ward. Then...transfers came!!! We found out my companion Xie JM was leaving and I'll be staying with Sister Caten! She was actually with me for a few weeks in the MTC and I'm excited for our transfer together. 

We also found out we are switching wards! We moved to one of the most rural places in the mission! So beautiful! The air is so fresh and the people are so kind! I'm so excited for my time in this area!! 

Well, I don't have much time today because my amazing trainer, Sister Nielsen, and her mom and dad are coming to eat lunch with us today! I'm sad she is going home but so grateful we have had so much time together in Taiwan ❤️ 

Love you all and have an amazing week! 
Sister Meeks  

Pday pictures!!! 

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