Sunday, September 30, 2018

Miracles in the Most Interesting Places

My amazing Trainer and her fam ! LOVE you ❤️❤️

Li Jiemei! 

Buddah Fruit

My RC Chen Pei Ru coming to visit!! 

My RC Chen Pei Ru coming to visit!! 

My amazing Trainer and her fam ! LOVE you ❤️❤️

Sister Bennett with Elder Swesen photo bombing! 

 Li Jiemei again! 

Sister Zentz! We grew up together and now we live in the same apartment! 

District dinner from last transfer! 

Gave this awesome kid a Book of Mormon at the train station! 

Hello Everyone! 

This week started off with an awesome Pday where I got to say goodbye to my trainer, Sister Nielsen. Her and her parents came all the way to Hualian to eat with me and I was just so happy! We have so many memories and it was really awesome to meet her parents! So bitter sweet but I'm just grateful we had so much time together in Taiwan 😊🚜❤️

Then Monday night was one of the craziest on my mission! We had set up to meet with a member and had asked for the address so we thought we were ready go! ...we definitely were not ready! We couldn't find the place, no matter how hard we tried! (It also didn't help that it was dark and raining! Haha) We called the member multiple times but we still couldn't find it. We pulled over and asked this cute mom for help and she offered to let us follow her on her motorcycle! She took us to a place, and it still wasn't the right one. We got her phone number, she went on her way, and we kept looking! We knocked on a door to ask for help, but no one was home! We ran into some young adults from the Philippines and they didn't know where to go. Then, a huge miracle happened! We were still standing outside the door we knocked on because we didn't know what to do! We had prayed for direction but didn't get any promting to leave! But the family who lived at the house came home and we started talking to them! Turns out, they needed what we had to say and we had a very spiritual experience with them. They are very prepared and invited us back! 

This night was just another testimony to me that God really does lead this work. It was a very frustrating night, but looking back on it, we saw so many miracles. I know we were meant to meet those people and we have already seem them start to progress, all because we got lost. Those type of things wouldn't happen without God's guidance so I really know he leads this work! 

Another awesome miracle happened at English class! We were disappointed when we didn't have any students at the start of class, but then a mom and her daughter walked in! They were so awesome and we could focus the entire English class on them! They loved it and loved our spiritual share about the Book of Mormon. We found out the mom was searching for the true church, but hadn't found it yet. We set up to meet with her again on Friday, and after hearing about the Restoration, she agreed to be baptized! Such a big miracle and it made us so so happy 😊 

Other fun things that happened! 
1. My recent converts Pei Ru came to visit! Love her so much and its been fun to see her improve. 
2. Got a call from someone random who wanted to hear about the Gospel. Ended up teaching the whole family ! 
3. Had a recent convert fireside at our chapel. It was really cool to hear everyone share their testimonies. 
4. Started talking to a guy in this huge car while he was stopped at a stoplight and got him to set up so we could visit him ! It was funny watching people stare as this huge car pulls over to talk to this white girl! Haha 
5. We had a RC fireside and our friend Jia Zhen came! I sang "Where can I turn for peace" and she said it really touched her soul. Seriously love her so much. 

Love you all so much!

Sis. Meeks 

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