Sunday, July 8, 2018

Fire and Stone

Celebrating the World Cup in Taiwan! 

Sister Lyman

We survived English class... Barely 

Celebrating the 4th of July! Shoutout to mom for the glowsticks 

We went to Costco this week!!! Felt like ones back in America 

My two favorite people in this entire world !! (Sister Nielsen and Hurst)

Taipei 101

Hello Everyone! 

This week was crazy! It all started out with a super fun Pday where we got to celebrate Sister Elliott's birthday by eating at Chille's! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SISTER ELLIOTT! We then did a little shopping and I got to hang out with a lot of mission friends. I have been so blessed to make a lot of lifelong friends on the mission and it always makes me very happy to spend time with all of them!! ❤️❤️

But this week was full of adventures! On Tuesday, we had our first district meeting as a new district! There are just four of us so it makes district meeting very interesting! 😁 We talked a lot about finding prepared people. Sometimes it's very hard to tell if someone has interest in the gospel, or if they just have interest in being friends with two Americans! But we talked about how following the Spirit is the way to know who to meet with and what we need to share with them. After that, we had the chance to meet our new mission President and his wife. They are incredible! They are so excited to be in Taiwan and so excited to get the work of the Lord moving faster! I am very excited to continue to get to know them and learn from all of their experience! 

On Wednesday night, Sister Lyman and I switched to teaching the kids English class! ε“‡ε‘ž Was that an adventure or what?!? We posted on Facebook about the class earlier in the week so TONS of new students came. We were trying to find a way to keep million little kids entertained and at the same time teach them English. It was an adventure but we ended up talking to a lot of families about learning about the gospel! 

This week was also full of so many blessings! We had a lot of errands to run (getting Sister Lyman's bike, fixing my phone, etc.) so we didn't have as much time as we wanted to find new people to teach. But so many people gave us referals! We got some from other missionaries, members, and found lots from English class! We seriously were so so so blessed! 

Biggest miracle of the week was meeting the Xie Family! They came to English class and set up to meet with the Elders because they originally thought they lived in there area. The first lesson went SO SO well! The Elders set a baptismal date with them and they were on their way! But by the end of the lesson, they found out they actually live in our area! We were a little worried because they already met some people in the other ward, but we met with them to try and help them understand why we have ward boundaries. They were a little hesitant to switch but they came to church anyway and LOVED IT! They are so excited to learn more and couldn't be more happy to be meeting with missionaries. We have very very high hopes for them. Love them already! 

Ok, now to explain the subject line of the email! We were eating lunch after church at the chapel when we met an investigator from a different ward. We started off a conversation and we became fast friends. She thought it was so funny how different me and my companion are. Sister Lyman is a very loud, outgoing, lively person who laughs and is super energetic around everyone! She this new friend (her name is Sloan) described her as fire because she is crazy and out of control! 🀣 Then she looked at me and told me I was the stone of the relationship! (Never thought I would hear that!) She said I have a very solid testimony and communicate in a very clear and kind way. It was an interesting way to describe our companionship but we thought it was super funny!

It's been fun to meet with lots of new people this week. It's interesting to see all of their different reactions when we tell them about our misisonary life. Most of them are shocked and don't believe us when we tell them what we do everyday. I've been thinking about the misisonary life more, and I've realized it does sound kind of crazy! We leave our families, learn a foreign language, save our personal money, give up technology and most of our hobbies, bike around in the rain while wearing a dress, and get rejected by people all day long. I totally understand why people think we are crazy! But I love talking about the misisonary life with people because the ONLY reason anyone would ever live this crazy life, is because we know what we are sharing is true. Being a missionary is a sacrifice but a huge blessing. We have all of these crazy days, but we are sharing about why we are the people we are today. People see the Light of Christ in us, and I'm more than willing to give my time so others can be filled with that light. ❤️

Love you all! Have an amazing week!
Sister Meeks

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