Sunday, April 22, 2018

Power Week

1. I got some love from the Sunset Hills 1st Ward in American Fork! Sister Merrill from my home ward was in Taiwan and she took us out to lunch! It was so fun to catch up and here about all the news from home. Love her!

3. My cute companions decorated my wall for my so so cute!

8. Cute pictures with my cute companions on the top floor of our chapel!

4. Us soaking wet with our investigator Wang JM on the way to her baptismal interview. She passed!!

6. We went to lunch with my old district after the temple today! Such a incredible experience at the temple followed by some good catch up with friends :)

Hi Friends and Family!

Today was temple day! So incredible and spiritual. But I don't have a lot of time to email so I'll describe my week using pictures!!

Love you all and hope you have an incredible week! 
Sister Meeks

Check out my awesome blog my mom keeps up for me!! 

4/F, #24, Lane 183
JinHua Street
Da-an, Taipei 106

Sunday, April 15, 2018

City Life

Hello Friends and Family!

This was a crazy and interesting week! I'm still getting used to my new area but I'm loving it more and more everyday. Almost everything is different, but the change is refreshing and I'm learning so many new things!

This week we had exchanges! I found out I was going with Sister Lim and I was so excited. She is an amazing missionary and knows how to have fun. We had two very successful lessons and I learned a lot from her teaching style. It's really cool that we have oppotunities to learn from lots of different people. We had such a party together. Missionary work is hard, but it's not supposed to be a bad experience! You can have fun and spread the Gospel at the same time!

On Wednesday we had English class! We had over 15 students and neither Sister Hurst or I had ever taught that big of a class before! But, we had so much fun. We taught about 'hobbies' and our students were loving it. They were very willing to participate and asked lots of questions! We are so excited to teach them. We ended but talking about spiritual gifts and how we can develop them. They were all very intrigued and accepted our invitation to use one of their gifts to serve another person this week. We also had a few new students and after talking with them after class, we found a couple of them that were interested in the gospel! We are teaching them this week. English class is such a great way to meet people, make friends, and help them start to understand why the gospel is so important. Love it!

Thursday we had Zone Conference! We had Elder Meur from the Seventy come and teach us! He was awesome and we learned a lot. We are blessed with some incredible leaders here in this area and I'm coming to realize more and more how much guidance we can receive. It really is incredible!

Friday was great! After a successful weekly planning session, we had to awesome lessons with Jerry and Amy. It was our first full lesson with them and they were both incredible. We were a little nervous about teaching in a trio, but it worked so well! We taught very well together as a companionship and came out of each lesson with big smiles on our faces.

Well everyone, I would just like to close with a quote from M. Russel Ballard from the last general conference. He said, "Life can be filled with faith, joy, happiness, hope, and love when we expertise the smallest amount of real faith in Christ." I love this quote! Christ is the source of all happiness and peace. When we have faith and follow His example. We have so so so many blessings we can enjoy. I can say with all my heart that I know Christ is our Savior. He loves us and wants the best for us. I would like to invite you to all watch this short clip. It's called "Becuase He Lives." (Even if you have already seen it, watch it again!) I truely know that Becuase Chest Lives, we can all return to our Heavenly Father and also live again.

I love you all so much! Have an amazing week!
-Sister Meeks

Check out my awesome blog my mom keeps up for me!! 

4/F, #24, Lane 183
Jin Hua Street
Da-an, Taipei 106

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Transfers and Bike Wrecks

各位弟兄姐妹們,大家早安! Good morning!

This week was crazy! First off, I got transfered ! This was super unexpected and threw us all off guard. We do something called "moving madness" in our district (this is where we guess where everyone is moving to) and we were all completely wrong! But this is my first time moving! I moved from ZhuBei to Banqiao! These two places are very very different. ZhuBei was a little busy, but for the most part it was a very moderately busy city. Banqiao...Is one of the busiest places in Taiwan! I have never seen so many people in my entire life! It's different, but very good.

But before transfers, this week was great! We had an awesome Pday where we played ping pong, basketball, badminton, and a bunch of other games. So fun and it was good to chill around other missionaries. Then on Tuesday, we had an awesome district meeting! I have been so blessed to be in an amazing district my entire mission. I'll miss everyone so much, but I'm so happy we could learn and grow together

Then Wednesday came...The day of dreaded transfer calls. They don't come out until the afternoon so everyone is waiting in anticipation! We had an investigator who wanted to take us and the other Elders in our ward to the beach and it was so fun! Right as we got everything set up, transfer calls came! We were all trying to see where we were going but there was no service ! We were all going crazy and then we FINALLY got a signal ! My call was a big shock, I found out that I'm not only moving... But I'm also in a trio! Also, one of my companions is one of my tight friends from the MTC ! Sister Hurst! I was so pumped I know we are gonna have a party!

That night, I said goodbye to everyone and it was more sad than I thought it was going to be. I have been in ZhuBei for about 4 months and I have made a lot of amazing friends. I am so grateful for the opportunity to serve in ZhuBei and I know I have made some friends that will last for a lifetime. Love them all so much!

Then, at 6:45 on Thursday morning, I got on a train and moved to Banqiao! After getting lost in the very confusing metro system, I made it and met Sister Warren! She is awesome and has been very patient leading us around this very busy area. It's very different but I'm excited for the new experience!

We also got to watch General Conference this weekend! (It comes out a week later here because they have to translate it) Before the Saturday morning session, we taught a bunch of members how to make peach cobbler ! They has never had it before so it was really funny to see their reactions to it. :) But Conference was AMAZING! I received so many answers and I am grateful for living prophets. I can testify with all my heart that President Russel M. Nelson is a Prophet of God and he leads and guides this church. I am so grateful for the guidance of our amazing church leaders. If you haven't had a chance to listen or watch Conference, I invite you to start this week! I know every single person can receive personal answers to any question you might have. Let me know if any of you have any cool experience with Conference!

Love you all! Have an awesome week! Don't forget I love getting letters and emails from you all!!

-Sister Meeks

Check out my awesome blog my mom keeps up for me!! 

4/F, #24, Lane 183
Jin Hua Street
Da-an, Taipei 106

Sunday, April 1, 2018

There and Back Again

Hello Friends and Family!

It was an amazing week that all started with a super fun Pday! We played basketball with the district for SO long! It was very tiring and a really good time. I have been blessed my entire mission with a really fun district! So fun and I love them all so much!

On Tuesday we had a super fun district meeting. Becuase Easter was coming up, we decorated eggs together! (Thanks mom for the decorating stuff!) Really fun and we all talked about ways we can become better missionaries. This work is so important and we want to take the responsibility very seriously ! Working with the Lord is the way to have sucess on the mission. He is ready to give us miracles, we just have to work hard to receive them!

English class this week was super super fun! We had a lot of new people there and it was a huge success. We talked about what to do in an emergency and it got a little chaotic. Each missionary pretended to have something wrong with them, and the group and to figure out what it was and call 911. It was quite the class! They all had a good time and lots of smiles. We ended with a spiritual share and all the little kids went a found Easter Eggs hidden around the chapel that had scriptures on them. Our English class had been doing really well and we hope it continues to grow!

Thursday was full of exploring! Becuase we had some time, my companion and I decided to explore our area, and put up English posters on the way! We biked a lot and put up LOTS of posters. I also got very very sunburned... Yayyyy! Such is the life ! We also met a bunch of awesome people along the way. We were sitting in the shade for a few minutes when this random guy comes along and gives us cold drinks! He said he saw us sitting there and bet that we were super hot! Long story short, we invited him to English class and he said he would come. People are so generous hear and I love them all so much!

Then we had a super super busy Saturday! We biked super far to one part of our area to help an investigator move and it went really well! The Elders came with us and we got a lot done! We also had some awesome members come and take all the stuff she wanted to donate! It was great!! Then we biked home, changed clothes, did studies, then biked way far in the other direction to go to a baptism!! It was for He Jiemei. My trainer and I (Sister Nielsen) started teaching her and then we found out she didn't live in our area. But we passed her off to the other Sisters and progressed super well! Her baptism was perfect and she was so happy afterwards! Love her so much! ❤️ 

This week was incredible! Love you all and hope you all have an amazing week! 
Sister Meeks

Check out my awesome blog my mom keeps up for me!! 

4/F, #24, Lane 183
Jin Hua Street
Da-an, Taipei 106

Easter Eggs as a District! (Thanks mom) 

Ping Pong in the morning! 

Taking a break from biking! 

Mocking my companion for taking a selfie :)

He Jiemei got baptized!! 

Just me doing missionary work! 

The Last Email ~ I'm Coming Home

Sister Meeks, Ericka Elliott, Lin Yu Jie Lin Yu Jie's card to Sister Meeks Sister Meeks, Jasmine Player (Compan...