Sunday, April 8, 2018

Transfers and Bike Wrecks

各位弟兄姐妹們,大家早安! Good morning!

This week was crazy! First off, I got transfered ! This was super unexpected and threw us all off guard. We do something called "moving madness" in our district (this is where we guess where everyone is moving to) and we were all completely wrong! But this is my first time moving! I moved from ZhuBei to Banqiao! These two places are very very different. ZhuBei was a little busy, but for the most part it was a very moderately busy city. Banqiao...Is one of the busiest places in Taiwan! I have never seen so many people in my entire life! It's different, but very good.

But before transfers, this week was great! We had an awesome Pday where we played ping pong, basketball, badminton, and a bunch of other games. So fun and it was good to chill around other missionaries. Then on Tuesday, we had an awesome district meeting! I have been so blessed to be in an amazing district my entire mission. I'll miss everyone so much, but I'm so happy we could learn and grow together

Then Wednesday came...The day of dreaded transfer calls. They don't come out until the afternoon so everyone is waiting in anticipation! We had an investigator who wanted to take us and the other Elders in our ward to the beach and it was so fun! Right as we got everything set up, transfer calls came! We were all trying to see where we were going but there was no service ! We were all going crazy and then we FINALLY got a signal ! My call was a big shock, I found out that I'm not only moving... But I'm also in a trio! Also, one of my companions is one of my tight friends from the MTC ! Sister Hurst! I was so pumped I know we are gonna have a party!

That night, I said goodbye to everyone and it was more sad than I thought it was going to be. I have been in ZhuBei for about 4 months and I have made a lot of amazing friends. I am so grateful for the opportunity to serve in ZhuBei and I know I have made some friends that will last for a lifetime. Love them all so much!

Then, at 6:45 on Thursday morning, I got on a train and moved to Banqiao! After getting lost in the very confusing metro system, I made it and met Sister Warren! She is awesome and has been very patient leading us around this very busy area. It's very different but I'm excited for the new experience!

We also got to watch General Conference this weekend! (It comes out a week later here because they have to translate it) Before the Saturday morning session, we taught a bunch of members how to make peach cobbler ! They has never had it before so it was really funny to see their reactions to it. :) But Conference was AMAZING! I received so many answers and I am grateful for living prophets. I can testify with all my heart that President Russel M. Nelson is a Prophet of God and he leads and guides this church. I am so grateful for the guidance of our amazing church leaders. If you haven't had a chance to listen or watch Conference, I invite you to start this week! I know every single person can receive personal answers to any question you might have. Let me know if any of you have any cool experience with Conference!

Love you all! Have an awesome week! Don't forget I love getting letters and emails from you all!!

-Sister Meeks

Check out my awesome blog my mom keeps up for me!! 

4/F, #24, Lane 183
Jin Hua Street
Da-an, Taipei 106

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