Sunday, February 4, 2018

Rainy, but Happy

My companion sleeping on the train...BOOP BOOP! 

Our quick selfie after the temple because it was RAINING!! 

Some members treated to an all vegetarian meal! SO MUCH FOOD! 

Us trying to stay warm! 

From a couple weeks ago when we helped an investigator at her clothing shop! 

Hi All!! 

Hope everyone is happy and staying warm!! I've been getting reports of rain, snow, and freezing cold from the States so everyone stay warm! 

But this week went by pretty fast! It started by going to the temple last week. It was amazing. It was my first time going to the temple here and it was amazing. It's really incredible that we can feel the blessing of the temple all around the world. I was so happy that I could experience it with my amazing trainer, Sister Nielsen! We have so much fun and it's awesome to be able to spiritual experiences together as well. 
his was a little bit about our week! "IT IS WET. Like ... it's been cold here for some time now, but it's been raining for a solid week in ZhuBei and I'm just always DRENCHED :') It's also had a bit of a DAMPer on the work here too. Currently we have two things holding people from meeting with us 1. The wet and cold. and 2. GUONIAN (a.k.a. Chinese New Year) We literally call people and they say "it's too cold, I don' want to meet today" or "Chinese New Year is coming up and I can't meet until March" .... yep .... that's pretty much our life every day. It's fun though. We're just worried about letting investigators SLIP out of our fingers. The storms are really testing our faith these days, and I'm happy to say that my companion and I just roam around in the rain with smiles and laughter; and if anything, that's one way to share the gospel ! even when people don't want to hear it. It's crazy what a smile can do for someone on a rainy day!"

But other than that, we are loving the work! We have some pretty amazing people we are working with. One of our investigators brought a friends and basically taught her everything she knew about Christ! We have only met with her three times and she is already sharing the gospel with other people! It's actually incredible to see what the gospel can do for someone in a very short amount of time. It really shows that the gospel can bless every single person, no matter who they are!! 

Well, love you all and hope you have an amazing week! 
Sister Meeks

Check out my awesome blog my mom keeps up for me!! 

4/F, #24, Lane 183
Jin Hua Street
Da-an, Taipei 106

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