Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Power Week!

1. Last Pday with our huge bowls of noodles!

2. An awesome dinner with some members. 

3. Biking in our very very fashionable attire. 

4. My cute companion with her birthday breakfast! 

5. How many Elders does it take to open a birthday cake?? :) 

6. Trying to keep warm in the apartment

7. You can tell we have Zone Conference when there are a million bikes at the church! 

8. My companion taking my bike in for me. She's so cute :) 

9. Some awesome Sisters who made dumplings with us! So fun! 

Hello Friends and Family! 

This week (well week and a half) have been amazing! This is something we call a power week where we don't have Pday on the normal Monday because of Temple day. So we are really looking forward to go to the temple today! It's my first time here in Taiwan so I am extra excited! 

But we have seen lots of miracles this past little while. We helped two of our investigators set baptismal dates and we are so excited to see all of our investigators improve. I can't even explain to you all how much I love my investigators and ward members. They are such amazing sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father and I am so blessed to know them. 

We also had Zone Conference this past week and we learned SO MUCH! President and Sister Jergensen gave an awesome training about how we are compared to medics on the battlefield. It's our job to find people who need help, find our what type of help they need, and get them to the hospital! It was such an amazing analogy. It really made me think about our role as missionaries. Our goal is to teach people and help them progress towards baptism, then members need to accept them and help them continue to improve. Working with members is so important because they really can relate to people in a way that is different then us! It's so so valuable. 

Another cool thing that happened this week was that I passed off the first Book of language study plan and I am really excited to continue to progress in Chinese. It really shows how we need God's help to learn Chinese because we couldn't do it otherwise. We are blessed as missionaries in so many ways, especially in learning Chinese! 

Now for some pictures!!

Sister Meeks

4/F, #24, Lane 183
Jin Hua Street
Da-an, Taipei 106

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