Monday, January 22, 2018


When our apartment is freezing, we do what we need to do keep warm...and that means dresses and hoodies together! 

Us making cookies for our district! (The Elders love us) 

We are doing this new thing where we take pictures with dogs, but in a way that makes it look like they are taking the selfie. SO FUN! 

 Teaching English Class! 


Us at the wedding reception (they got sealed in the temple) of two ward members! They are AWESOME! 

These awesome ward members who made us very yummy food! 

Hi Friends and Family!! 

Hope everything is going well with you all! I miss you all very much! 

Once again, we are going to use the words of my amazing companion to describe the week! 

"This week started out great here in Zhubei !!! We went hot potting and ping ponging for P-day and it was a blast !! It was a nice chill P-day with lots of good food and good company, a great way to get ready for a week of miracles !!! This week Sister Meeks and I had a goal of increasing our baptismal date investigators, so with that in mind we worked hard on inviting people to baptism !!! Out of the 4 solid people we invited, 3 of them accepted to set a date !!! It was amazing and so heart warming to see so many people willing to develop their faith and follow the example of Jesus Christ. Something I love about the mission is the opportunity I have to TEACH. And, I've been blessed with areas where we have a lot of lessons and a lot of people to teach !! So, I'm definitely thankful for this last week we had to go out and teach repentance <3 

As our mind was focused on this baptismal date goal we found ourselves hitting Saturday morning with no new investigators for the area. But, Sister Meeks and I had faith that we would be able to find 4 within the coming 48 hours. ANNNNNNNDDDD, the Lord is too good to us. We are seriously so blessed !! We found 1 that very night and we then found 5 new investigators on Sunday!! This Zhubei area is so prepared and I know that as my companion and I work hard to do the work, Heavenly Father creates pathways that we can see success in every aspect of it. He sees the hard work we put in, and for this He really does bless the areas we serve in <3 Being a missionary is just so special <3"

This week really was full of miracles. The Lord blesses us when we have faith to do his work! 

Love you all and hope you have an amazing week! 

Sister Meeks

I love getting mail!!! 

4/F, #24, Lane 183
Jin Hua Street
Da-an, Taipei 106

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