Sunday, July 22, 2018

The Gospel Changes Lives

An accurate picture of how teaching children's English class goes 

Sister Hanna and I on exchanges! (This was taken on the hottest day of summer so far so we were melting a little bit! 

Cute young women at the Mini MTC activity

We ran into Xie Jiemei while we were doing language study! 

After we signed Xie Jiemei's Book of Mormon ❤️

Love these two so much ! 😚😚

Cute member (Doris) from the ward ! She's adorable! 

Dinner at hotpot with the Xie Family and Elders! 


We had Pday in the middle of the week because of Temple Day! Yaaayyyyyy! It was the best. I got to go to lunch with some good mission friends then go though the temple. It was Sister Lyman's first time in the Taiwan Temple so it was even more special! The temple is always such a spiritual place and I always leave with such a happy heart! Love it so much! 

After Pday on Wednesday, we had exchanges! I had the chance to go with Sister Hanna again and we saw so many miracles! We really felt like the day was completely led by the Spirit and we were amazed the whole day! In misisonary work,a lot of things don't go as planned. People cancel lessons, it starts to rain and you get soaked, someone decides to stop meeting with you, etc. But the longer I have been on my mission, the more I've realized that God really does lead this work. Sometimes we don't know why things happen, but God does. We saw the hand of God in our work so many times on exchanges. Someone didn't confirm a lesson, but we went to the place anyway and found someone who was very prepared to hear the gospel! Later in the day, the original place we planned to go was too full so we went to another store...And found someone else who started talking to us first! This happened throughout the whole day. So many miracles. I really believe that if we have faith, we can see so many amazing things happen in the work. It shows that we are just tools in the Lord's hands and this is His most important work ! 

On Friday we had the chance to go to this awesome youth Stake activity! For three days the youth went to a "Mini MTC!" (Shoutout to my little brother Jacob who going into the MTC next week! YAY!) But we had the chance to help them with the language section! We taught them how to introduce themselves in English as well as how to pray. It was so fun to talk to lots of different youth and hear all their reasons for wanting to serve missions. It was such a testimony builder! They all have such strong faith and want to share what they believe. For some of them, they will have to sacrifice a lot to serve a mission, but they are still so happy to have the chance. Such amazing examples of a selflessness and strong faith! 

Saturday was crazy! There was a huge rainstorm and Sister Lyman and I got SOAKED ! We got to the place where we were going to have our lesson and we had to spend a few minutes getting the water out of our dresses, shoes, and hair! We for sure got a lot of funny looks! After the lesson, we did language study at the same place and there were for sure little mini puddles of water around our feet! Rainy days are always such an adventure.

But on Saturday night we had dinner and a lesson with the Xie family! They took us to a very expensive hot pot place and it was amazing. They even brought a friend with them! They aren't even members of the church yet and they are already doing misisonary work. So 厲害。 Eating dinner with them was such a good way to keep getting to know them and develop trust! My favorite part of the night was when she brought out her Book of Mormon and asked us and the Elders to sign it. She said, "you're the ones who gave me this book and it's changed my life. I always want to remember you." Literally got so choked up. There are so prepared and in a short 3 weeks the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ has changed their lives! It's an amazing miracle. 

Last story! On Sunday night, we had a lesson with our investigator Harry! He is so awesome. He has a really really hard life but he still has so much faith! He met with missionaries a long time ago but couldn't continue because he had to work to support his family! (He is only in his 20s!) But he gave us a call and we were so happy to have the chance to keep teaching him. We reviewed the Joseph Smith story and he said he 100% believes it's true! So awesome. He has already reread a ton of Book of Mormon in the last week! He is so ready for the blessings of the Gospel. He can't come to church right now because of work but he has already made a plan to ask his boss, who is also a Christian! So awesome! 

Well, that's about it for this week!Hope you have an awesome week. Love you all! 

Sister Meeks 

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