Sunday, July 15, 2018

Miracles in Banqiao ❤️❤️


On the way to the temple with Wang Jiemei 

Having dinner with an old investigator from my last area! 

Cute members pushing our cart after they took us to Costco! 

pday in Bali! 

Zhubei Renuinted! 

Hellloooo Friends and Family!! 

This week was a "power week!" Meaning that because we get to go to the temple this week, we didn't have Pday until Wednesday! Which means our weeks was a 9 day week instead of 7! But because of it, we saw a TON of miracles. 

We started off the week with an awesome Pday in Danshui! I got to see lots of my mission friends, eat good food, and ride a ferry across to a place called Bali! It was very fun and very exciting! 

This week I also experienced my first typhoon!! It wasn't super severe, but our mission President wanted us to go inside anyway to stay safe. It wasn't super bad but we saw some cool things happen from it anyway! Some members brought us some food just in case it got worse so we got to develop a stronger relationship with them. We also did a TON of phone calls and we found a lot of people interested in the gospel! It just goes to show that a typhoon doesn't stop the work of the Lord! 

Another miracle was going to temple with my RC Wang Jiemei! 😊😊 She hasn't been able to go because the baptismal font is only open on Friday and Saturdays and she has work...But they started a new thing where new members can come every Thursday night! She was so excited to go and had an amazing experience. It's been really special to see her grow and change because of the Restored Gospel. LOVE her! 

Ookkkkaaaayyyy now let me tell you about the Xie Family! They are such a huge miracle! We have been meeting with them for like two weeks and they have progressed so fast! I walk away with their lessons feeling so so inspired! We taught about the Book of Mormon being the word of God on Friday and before we could even finish our invite to pray if the Book is true,12 year old Austin shouted at us "I believe! I believe the Book is true and Joseph Smith's story!" I just sat there shocked. He told us that he could just feel it was true but promised to pray and read about it still. The Xie family is very prepared for the Gospel to be a part of their lives. During that lesson they committed to read and pray every day as a family and come to church every week. They asked us if they could start meeting twice a week so now between lessons, church, and English class we see them 4 times a week. Xie mama asked us if she could start fasting for her son. She also asked if she could give us referrals and come to the ward activities during the week. She also told us she read online that Mormons can't have coffee. We were nervous about her response because she said she loves coffee. She then said, "I've already started to give up coffe because I know I will have to eventually when I join the Church." wow. Can you get more golden than that? I felt the spirit so incredibly strong. I adore both of them so much. We met with them again on Tuesday and they committed (without us even asking) to pay tithing. I was just blown away. God has been preparing them for a long time and we are so happy we could bring the gospel to them. 

Other highlights of the week:
1. We went to Costco to get Sister Lyman some food she could eat (she is allergic to a lot of stuff) and we are starting to develop a relationship with our Relief Society President's husband who isn't a member! Praying for a miracle there. 
2. We got a random call late one night from someone who met with missionaries a long time ago...He told us he is ready now and wants to be baptized! Huge miracle! 
3. We got tons of referals this week!! People just keep calling us with people to teach. For the first time on my mission, there is too much to do! Such a good problem to have. 
4. We biked a LOT yesterday and Sister Lyman and I were exhausted...But even after that, we saw two huge miracle and we came home with loads of energy. It just shows that God will give us strength to overcome anything on the mission! 

Well, lots more stuff happened this week but I don't have tons of time! I will continue to update you on our amazing people as they keep progressing! I love being a misisonary and I'm so happy I have this chance to share the Restored Gospel with the people of Taiwan ! 

Love you all ❤️ 
Sister Meeks 

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