Monday, August 21, 2017

MTC Week 2 - I'm alive.

Hi Everyone, 
   This week has for sure been a roller coaster. One second you're feeling the spirit so strongly because of the amazing atmosphere and the next second you're dying because you can't figure out what your investigator is saying! But it has been an amazing experience. 

    Something that is unique about the experience so far is that I'm in a trio companionship instead of the normal double. This for sure has benefits and downsides. My two companions are Sister Swanson and Sister Austad. They are totally different but each bring strong suits to the table. I am so blessed to have two people supporting me instead of just one. I am the only one who has studied Chinese before so we're at different levels which causes some challenges.  But my teacher does a really good job of helping everyone at their own level. 

    In the MTC, you never stop moving. We are going from breakfast to class to studying time, to a devotional, to back to class, etc, etc, etc! Because of this we're all a little tired but it has all been good movement. The spirit here at the MTC is so incredibly strong. I can't beleive how much I've learned about the gospel in such a short time. The very first day we had a devotional with all the new missionaries and we sang ' Armies of Helamen' and they change the line from "We will be the Lord's Missionaries" to "We are now the Lord's missionaries" and it was a cry fest for sure. Such an amazing spirit came over the room and I couldn't deny any of it. 

    We taught our investigator all in Chinese the 2nd day. That was pretty much a total train wreck! But a learning experience none the less. Our investigator's name is Peng Li Ming and he doesn't speak any English! We barely speak Chinese. It's really hard to know what you want to teach but not be able to speak the language. But I know that through studying and the gift of tongues we will be able to help him. 

    Funny story, I have met a lot of people here who know my older brother Andrew. (Who also served in Taiwan Taipei) One of my teachers was in his Zone in the MTC and he says he remembers him because he sang Lion King songs in the shower :) That made me smile and reminded about home and how much support I have. 

    I know the church is true. It's easy to have a testimony here because if you waver a little bit, someone is there to build you right back up. There is a constant spirit testifying of the truthfulness of the gospel. I am so happy to be here and I'm so happy to learn more in Chinese and more about the spirit. 

Love you all, 
Sister Meeks

We have a competition to see who gets the most mail and I'm winning so far! Please send anything if you get a chance. Small letters in the mail or through DearElder really help me make it through the day. 

Picture 1: Me and my amazing companions! 

Picture 2: Our district! We are the smallest by far. All the Elders are going to different missions in Canada and my companions are going to Taiwan with me. 

Picture 3: We ask each other one get-to-know-you question every night and I asked if they had any hidden talents. A head stand competition then came from it :) 

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