Monday, November 6, 2017

Happy Halloween

Three Peas in a Pod for Halloween. 

Hello Friends and Family! 

Happy Halloween everyone! It's crazy that October is already gone. Time flies so fast while you're on the mission. It's kinda crazy! Days are long but weeks and months go by very very fast. 

We had a lot of little miracles this week. It's amazing to see the Lord's hand in everyday actions. The first thing that happened is we had some information on a guy who wanted to take the lessons but that was all we had. We found his address and went to knock on his door. In the apartment building, all the doors were really close and after we knocked, the guy next door opened his door! We talked to him, gave him a Book of Mormon and invited him to church. AND he came on Sunday! His name is Miles and he is awesome. I hope that we get to see him more. 

The next thing that happened is we went to visit the Wixom's, a part-member family. The mom opened the door and she is the mom who isn't a member. But surprising she invited us in. We taught her the first lesson and she agreed to start meeting with us! The spirit was so strong and I could tell she wanted to learn. I am so excited for her! 

Halloween was also fun this week! We couldn't technically dress up but we all got the same green shirt and did our hair the we're "Three Peas in a Pod!" Cute right?? We got to serve a lot that day and we got to talk to a lot of parents who were taking their kids trick-or-treating. 

Last thing is I got to give a training in my District Meeting on personal conversion. It was so neat to study and then help other people come closer to Christ. I love my District and they are always so kind and loving. We have Senior Missionaries in our district as well and it's like I have grandparents on the mission! SO COOL! 

But I love you all and am so thankful for all the support I receive. It really helps me a lot and gets me through the week :) 

Sister Meeks

P.S. My mission is now using Facebook so look out for little posts here and there.

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