Sunday, October 28, 2018


Hello everyone!! 

This week was a little crazy and super fun! We were in a quadcompanionship and we had a super fun time. I switched my companion everyday between Sister Pangan and Sister Rodriquez! They are so awesome! They are both from the Philippines and it was their first week in Taiwan! They have been visa waiting in Utah for 4 months (and actually served in the same ward as my grandma!) BUT they finally got their visas, came mid-transfer, and got to spend about 10 days with us. It's been super super fun and I'm sad they are getting their official companions this week! 

This Saturday was one of the funnest and craziest of the mission ! It started out normal, then it got busier and busier! The Elders in our ward had a baptism but they live far away so they asked us to fill up the font. I don't know what it is but I can never fill the font correctly! I always go into it thinking it will be ok, then something crazy happens! Haha long story short the water was pretty cold but the cute Grandma getting baptized was still very happy 😊 

Then after that we had a ward Halloween activity! SO FUN! All the missionaries in Hualian decided to dress up as characters from the Book of Mormon and it turned out awesome!! Everyone loved the costumes and SO MANY PEOPLE CAME! About two weeks ago, we printed off around 500 flyers and went crazy passing them out. We didn't think a lot of people were going to come but we were WRONG! Our whole third floor of the church was packed and us missionaries were going crazy trying to figure out who was a member and who was there for the first time! We met so many people and set up so many people for chapel tours! I am excited to start seeing the miracles from this activity! 

Other fun things of the week! 
1. Taking Sister Enriquez and Pangan for their "firsts" in Taiwan! (For example: Taiwan Steak, hot pot, shaved ice, English class, biking in the rain, Family Mart ice cream, boba drinks and so much more! 
2. Contacting someone on a motercyle and they started laughing at me! I asked why and he said, "I'm already your church member!" and then drove away like a savage haha 
3. Teaching our new sisters how to bike! It went about the same as me learning how to drive a stick shift car...So it was an adventure 😊 

Love you all and have an amazing week ! 
Sister Meeks 


Halloween activity!!! 

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