Sunday, August 5, 2018

Miracles upon Miracles

Patty and Kris! They are members in our ward who are moving this week. I love them so much and are very sad to see them leave. 

Kris gave me this the last time he saw me before he moved. He is 6 years old and already wants to be a misisonary ❤️❤️ 

Outside the temple with Grace! 

Sister Lyman and I in a sketchy ally! 

Lazer tag crew from last week 

 Me having too much fun on a wooden horse at the ward activity 🤣🤣

Our Bishopric 🤣🤣 

Ward Activity this week!

We went to this special musical fireside and this was one of the performers. Look up "Three Reds" on YouTube! They are awesome ! 

Hello Everyone! 

This week was FANTASTIC! It started off with a super fun lazer tag Pday! I love lazer tag so much and it was fun to do it with a bunch of my missionaries friends. We are all SO hot but it was worth it. Right as it ended, we went and bought a cold bottle of water in an attempt to cool down...It didn't work but it was worth it 😊 

That night we met with our investigator Grace! She is incredible! She knows the Bible better than anyone I know. We gave her a chapel tour later in the week and she was literally explaining all the pictures and the doctrine behind them to us! We went to the third floor of the chapel and looked at the temple from the window. It was silent for a little bit and then I asked what she was thinking. She simply said, "I feel at peace." My heart melted a little bit from happiness when she said that. Can't wait to see her progress ❤️

Also, the Xie Family is doing amazing! We saw them 5 days this week and they always just make my heart so happy. They are getting baptized this week and I couldn't be more excited! They are going to do some amazing things in the church! 

Anyway, love you all! Not much time to write today but hope you all have an amazing week! 

Sister Meeks 



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