Sunday, March 25, 2018

The Truth is "March"ing on !!


This week has been amazing! Full of miracles and lots of smiles. 

It all started off last Pday when we went to an amusement park! It was so fun and it was fun to spend time with a couple different missionaries. I got to see my favorite person in the world: Sister Elliot from the MTC! Love her so much and missed her so much. It was the funnest Pday I've had here so far! We rode lots of rides, saw lots of cool animals, and laughed a lot! 

Then on Wednesday we had interviews with President Jergensen. He is amazing and always inspires me to become a better missionary. We brainstormed ways to accomplish my goals and we laughed a lot! He is amazing and helps us all so much. 

The biggest thing that happened this week was that Peng Jiemei got baptized! Yay! It was one of the happiest days of my life. We saw here the night before and she was so nervous, but so happy! She said, "it feels like I'm getting married tomorrow!" But regardless of being super nervous, she got to the baptismal service almost an hour early and was 100% prepared. This baptismal service was especially unique becuase we had it on the beach! It was the coolest thing ever! We had a few short little talks in the bottom of a lighthouse and then walked down to the ocean. She was so excited and ran right in. Everyone was afraid she was going to get sick because the water was very cold, but she came out with a huge smile on her face and just kept telling everyone she didn't even feel cold! She is perfect and I couldn't be more happy to be a part of her conversion process. She is going to help so many people and continuing to develop her own personal testimony. Love her!! 

Then, Saturday was BUSY! Starting in the morning, we went to help a bunch of ward members do service. We got to the spot (in the middle of nowhere) and then we were told we needed to move this GIANT pile of rocks from one spot to another! There were so many rocks! But it was really fun and the members were really fun. I got to meet lots of new people and also got very very dirty! (My companion was joking that I was tanning...But in reality I was just covered with dust...Haha) After that, we went to another activity. (in a different ward...Us Sisters help members in three different wards!) We talked, ate, then we did karaoke! I don't know how to say karaoke in Chinese so I had no idea what was going on...But I finally figured out what was happening and it was awesome! There were so many people with amazing voices! It was overall a fun activity and we got to know the members even better ! :) 

Then (this is still Saturday) we went English finding as a district and had lots of success! Everyone found lots of people to come to class and lots of people interested in the Gospel. We then met with our investigator Chen Jiemei. She is amazing and is so smart! She is reading the Book of Mormon and the Bible! She has lots of questions so I've been studying the Bible like crazy! We love her and can't wait to keep helping her progress.

Lastly, I want to share my testimony about Jesus Christ. I know he is our Savoir and Redeemer. I know that through him, we can have eternal happiness and joy. I love Jesus Christ and I don't know where I would be without him. 

Friends and family, love you all so much!!! Miss you all! Don't forget to send me pictures and letters! I love hearing about your lives! 

Have a great week!! 
-Sister Meeks

Pday at the amusement park! 

Our cute doorman gives us SO many bananas every week! We love him

The doorman himself! 

My awesome mom sent me a package! We had to be creative getting it home! 

Peng Jieme's baptism!

 Doing service! Carrying rocks! 

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Peng Jiemei is getting baptized!

Hi everyone!!!! Hope everyone is doing well and loving life ! 

Last Pday we had so much fun! A ton of us went to the beach and played frisbee! It was fun to play in the sand and the Elders were very competitive! (Of course) Then we all got lunch and went back to the church...And played more frisbee! (Never played so much frisbee in my life!) We had Zone Conference the next day and President Jergensen and his wife were laughing at us because they could tell who went...Becuase we all got terrible sunburns! We were all very very red...Not one person thought to bring sunscreen. But the burn was worth the fun! 

Miracle of the week! There is a lady in our ward and her husband is a member, but she isn't. She comes to church but just hasn't consistently met with the missionaries. (We have tried many times) But this Sunday, I invited her to sit by me ! We laughed and talked before class and it was awesome!! So after class, I was thinking, "This is my chance!" I asked her if we could visit this week...And she said no. I was devasted!! BUT! No more than an hour later, she calls us and asks if we could have lunch with her that week! We were so surprised and so happy! It really knows that God knows exactly what people need, even if we don't understand. Such a miracle. We met with her and read the scriptures together. (Bible and Book of Mormon!) It was awesome and we are excited to continue meeting with her. 

Another fun experience happened when we met a awesome guy from England. We were joking in the pouring rain, and he walked past on the crosswalk. We said hi and got to talking. He asked if we were from Utah becuase we "have a look in our eyes." It was cool to see someone recognize us as members of the church. It really shows that we have the Light of Christ with us. We just need to let it shine! 

English class was awesome this week. The topic was "home" and they loved it! For our spiritual share, we gave them a church tour and ended in the chapel. It was so spiritual. Then Elder Smith sang 'Come Thou Fount' while I played piano. Everyone loved it and were getting very emotional. We were able to talk to a lot of people after and two of them came to church today ! We were so excited! 

We also had a basketball activity at the church! We have been advertising for over a month and it was all worth it. So many people came and it was really fun. I have never talked to so many highschool / college boys in my whole life! But a lot of people were interested in chapel tours and we have high hopes for a lot of them becoming investigators. It's cool to see how we can find new people in lots of different ways! 

Last thing! Our investigator Peng Jiemei passed her baptismal interview and will be getting baptized this Friday. BUT! It gets better! She wants to get baptized at the beach and we got permission to do it! We are going to have a beach baptism! We are so excited for her to start her personal journey. The members alreasy love her so much and she is a part of the church family. She is awesome and we love her so much! 

Well, that's about it for this week! It was awesome and we hope next week with top it! 

Love you all so much!
Have a great week!
-Sister Meeks 

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

This week in pictures

Hello all! 

Here is my week , told in pictures!! 

1. In district meeting, we talked about faith! So one of the Elders was blindfolded and he had to run straight, with total faith he wouldn't fail. It was a super cool way to talk about faith! 

2. We were biking around, and then random I see this lady out walking her bird!!! So we turn around and start talking to her. Apparently she always has it with her...always! So funny. She didn't want to meet with us but she let us hold her bird! 

3. Me on exchanges with Sister Chao! SHE IS AWESOME! We had so much fun and we worked hard to try and promote our weekly English class. 

4. My cute companion writing on our daily contact board during Weekly Planning. She refused to bring the board down so she just sat on the desk and wrote on it! haha

5. The view from our apartment! WE LOVE ZHUBEI! 

6. On exchanges with the amazing Sisters in Xinzhu!

7. I got super sick this week, but my companion made me this super cute note! She can write in three languages! It's so cute

Even with a fever of a 102, you can still take selfies.

I don't have lots of time this week (we are going to the beach today! (WOOT) But I just wanted to let you know that this gospel is true and I love it with all my heart. I'm so happy to be a missionary here in Taiwan. I have about a year left, and I made a goal this week to make the best of everyday! This is the true church and through it, we can have eternal happiness and joy. 

Love you all! Thank you so much for all your support and encouragement. 

Sister Meeks 

Monday, March 5, 2018

Loving the ZhuBei Life

Us at our ward potluck! Such a happy time. We were making rice balls with our investigators! 

One of the Elders found my coat in the gym...decided to put in on and take a picture. *face palm*

One of our investigators wanted to do a photo shoot after gospel principles class! Everyone was a great sport and went along with it :) 

When we had an amazing miracle and ran into our investigator! 

The Elders trying to fix the projector...obviously in a very safe way! haha

Elevator Selfies for the win! 

My companion, Sister Jensen! She has been on her mission for officially a year! 

She is obsessed with the filters we have on our phones...

Hi Friends and Family! 

This week was week two with my new companion, Sister Jensen! We love our area and we saw a lot of miracles this week. It's been fun to get to know members and investigators better this week. We are lucky in this area to have so many amazing people we can interact with. People are so kind and generous. I LOVE THE TAIWANESE PEOPLE! 

The biggest miracle we saw this week happened at about 8:30pm. We had about an hour before we were going home but we didn't know where we should go. My companion mentioned CarreFour (The Taiwanese equivalent to Walmart) but we then decided it was kinda far away so we decided against it. We instead biked around, exploring our area and trying to talk to people. After going down a bunch of roads we had never been down before, we found ourselves on the road leading directly to CarreFour! We decided it was a sign so we kept biking. We got there, but still didn't know where to go so we continued our random biking adventure! After another 20 minutes, we come to this bridge and decide to walk our bikes across it. THEN! Right on the other side is one of our investigators!!!!! She doesn't even live in that area but we ran into her and it turns out she really needed to see us that day. It was a total miracle. It really goes to show that as we trust in the Lord, He will guide us to the exact spot where we need to be. It defied all the odds and it was incredible. 

On Sunday, we saw some more miracles. Four of our amazing investigators came to church and we were so excited! Our lessons were perfect for them that day. After 7 hours of church, we were feeling pretty tired but very happy. We love our investigators. Our members also help us so much. They are always making sure our investigators feel welcomed and feel comfortable in participating in the lessons. The missionaries can help start the process of conversion, but members really help in a different, but very special way. We can't do it without them! 

We also had two awesome ward activities this week. The first was a Potluck and last minute, we had two investigators come. One of them brought her entire family with her. It was a total miracle and it was exactly what that family needed. We made some rice balls together and it was really fun. The second activity was a movie night and we had a bunch of investigators come. We had some technical difficulties so the Elders were coming up with some very creative ways to try and get the projector to work (see picture below). They will do anything for missionary work! Even if it means holding up a ladder, while another one of them climbs on it! haha Gotta love them. 

Our District has also been really focusing on trying to get new students to our English class. In order to accomplish that, we all went to this park (it is really crowded right now because of a lantern festival) and just passed out a million English fliers! It is always really fun to just go up to people and start a conversation with them. They are always really shocked that we can speak Chinese. My companion and I had a bunch of really cool conversations with some really cool people. We really hope some of them will come to English class this week so we can continue to get to know them! 

That was about it for this week! Hope you are all happy and healthy. I know this Gospel is true and I am happy that I have the chance to spead the joy of the Gospel with the amazing people of Taiwan. 

Sister Meeks

Check out my awesome blog my mom keeps up for me!! 

4/F, #24, Lane 183
Jin Hua Street
Da-an, Taipei 106

The Last Email ~ I'm Coming Home

Sister Meeks, Ericka Elliott, Lin Yu Jie Lin Yu Jie's card to Sister Meeks Sister Meeks, Jasmine Player (Compan...