Monday, November 20, 2017

The Lord will always bless us

Hi Friends and Family! 
   I've almost been out on my mission for 3 months! Seems like the time as just flown by! It's crazy to think how long 18 months is but also how short it is. I know the time will go so fast and I'm so happy that I could have this amazing opportunity. 
   This week was full of crazy experiences! But the biggest miracle came at 8:40 at night! It was freeeezzzzzzinnnnggggg and we were about to head home but we decided to just knock one more door. A college aged girl opened the door and invited us in! She explained that she was raised Catholic but recently as become more Athiest. She says she relies on science instead of God. After talking a few minutes, she said that she felt good talking to us and "If you can convince me, then I'll keep listening to you." I was thinking, "Oh just you wait, we can 100% convince you." I know she felt the spirit and I'm so grateful that we decided to be perfectly obedient and stay out as long as we could. God really does bless those who are obedient and we can see miracles because of it! 
    It was Sister Moreno's Birthday this week and we got to have lots of fun! The Galberiath family had us over for dinner and made us a giant leaf pile to jump in! They have 9 children so dinner is always so much fun and complete chaos. We got some more treats/surprises all day from different ward members. We are so blessed to be in this ward. They are so missionary minded and they are always so thoughtful. 
      A huge change this week was the implementation of smartphones and Facebook into our mission! This has been good but very much different. Everyone talks about how missionaries are taken out of the world for 2 years or 18 months but this brings all of those temptations right back in! And we have access to them all the time. It's crazy how much the Lord trusts us to do His work. We have already seen miracles happen from using this amazing blessing. The Lord is ready to push is work forward and social media is a tool to help accomplish that! I'm so excited to serve the Lord is the new way
      The last thing is a new thing I've started this past week. I started to write in a 'Gratitude Journal.' I think about my day, and then write something I am grateful for in the book! It has really helped me notice the little things and made me appreciate everything on my mission that helps me succeed. Love it so much and encourage you all to do the same :) 
      Also, my mother is WONDERFUL and created an incredible blog to document my adventures. She did an amazing job so you should all check it out ! The link is 

Hope you all have a good week! 
Sister Meeks

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