Monday, September 4, 2017

MTC Week 4 - In Sickness and Health

Hello everyone! 
   Thanks for all the support I'm constantly getting! I could not get through this MTC experience without it. My district leader keeps joking about giving me the mail code so he doesn't have to bring me stuff anymore (district leaders get the mail at the MTC). But really, thank you so much. 

    This week as been an interesting one for sure! It started out normal but on Thursday, I got really sick and I haven't been able to recover since then! Even though it's been hard, it really shows how much of a family you are here at the MTC. My companions have been so loving and supporting. The Elders in my district made a cute card for me and made it one of our District goals for me to stop being sick. SO sweet. I'm hoping over the next couple of days I'll continue to get better. 

    Besides that it's been a great week. We got to listen to the 2nd Counselor in the Presiding Bishopric speak and it was really neat. He spoke of how being a missionary, and a full time missionary are different things. It really motivated me to work my hardest so I could help more people. The gospel is so special and it is such an amazing opportunity to go and share it with everyone! 

     I have come to love role plays here at the MTC. We have been teaching the same too investigators for about a week now and we're finally starting to get the hang of it. It's amazing how much you can rely on the Spirit for help with the language. Sometimes my companions will bear testimony and it is so powerful. We will come out of lessons so full of the spirit. Other times, it's harder. More often then not, our investigator will say a whole sentence we understand, but one word we don't know changes the whole sentence. It's really helpful because it's realistic but also really hard because lessons can be long and difficult. I've learning the most important thing is to try your best and it will work out. 

      Love you all and miss you even more. I have loved getting letters. I really love hearing about your lives and I love seeing pictures even more. 

      The Church is true and I love being a missionary more than anything. 

       All my love, 
            Sister Meeks

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